Chapter 13 + VERY IMPORTANT A/N!!!!

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A/N: Hey ya'll sorry for delay.

Very Important A/N at the end, please read it. 

Thank You(:


Julie POV

"You see young one, things in life aren't meant to come easy, especially for us. Us being the chosen one, means so much more dangers are ahead of us. The Chosen one, is the most powerful werewolf there is. Only comes once every 1000 years. Not many were's realize how powerful we really are. But there are some who do, like the rogues for example. The rogues, as you might of heard, want to expand, and want to take over the packs and their land. They can't do that by themselves of course. They aren't strong enough and their leader knows that. He also knows what we are and that we can help him majorly. He wants you, us I should say, because with our power he can take over all the packs in the world."

"Exactly what power do we hold?" I asked. 

"We have the power of bringing life, and causing death, the power to restore entire cities and destroy entire cities. We have the power that consists of both light and dark."

"What makes the rogues think that I will listen to them?!" I asked.

"They have their ways I am sure, but if they do capture us, then we will just have to tough it out, because we do have darkness in us, if swayed to the wrong direction we might do something we will regret later on" 

"I won't let them!!"

I was beginning to feel very overwhelmed with this entire situation. I feel like this isn't real anymore, like I actually am just in a dream state. 

"My dear Julie, I will let you go back to the walking world and let this all sink in, we will talk later when your ready"

And with that I passed out. I felt a light hitting my eyes. I open my eyes slowly. Where did my wolf go? I was just talking to her. I look around and I notice that I am in a room. All four walls are white. I am in a bed, that isn't so comfortable might I add. 

Wait. Now I remember what happened. I was in the hospital, and everyone thought I was dead. At least that is what my wolf told me. How long was I out then? Oh boy this is so confusing. 


UGH!! That thing is so annoying!!!!

I hear running with my enhanced senses. All of a sudden my door is slammed open. The doctor I suppose since he is in a white lab coat, came barging in.

"Julie! Your awake! Oh thank the heavens!!! Your mother is going to be so happy, once she wakes up that is" he said, in a rush I might add. But something he said caught my attention.

"What do mean when she wakes up?"

"We thought you were gone, I told your mother, but she didn't want to believe it and went crazy. She attacked me, I got a mean cut on my shoulder, our Luna sure is strong I'll give her that. We had to sedate her, she has been out cold for a couple of hours, but she should be coming around any minute now." He explained. My mother attacked him? Oh my. That's not good.

"But she's okay right?" I asked.

"Yes, she is fine, its me who got the beating" he said in an amused tone.

I just smiled at him.

"Where is she now?" I asked.

"We put her in one of the other extra rooms."

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