I woke up the next morning, my mouth dry from eating all those chips last night and the grey clouds hanging by the window. I stretched in bed, my back cracking from the way I slept. God I need to go for a fly! But I can't until I go home. Or I could try to stay up until they go to sleep, then sneak out and go for a fly. Yeah, I'll do that tonight.

I looked around the room I was in and realised it wasn't Alice's. She must've put me in the guest room. Knock. Knock."Come in" I said. The bedroom door opened and in walked Alice, freshly dressed. "Morning Bella" she said chirpily. "Morning" I said, still not fully awake.

"What's the time?" I asked. "It's 9:30am. Come and have breakfast, everyone else is already awake and downstairs" Alice said. "'K hold on, I'll just get dressed then I'll be right down" I replied. "OK, see you down stairs then" Alice replied and left the room, closing the door behind her.

I got out of bed and looked around for my overnight bag. it was sitting on the desk over by the window. I went over and got it, grabbing out my clothes and toothbrush. I went into the bathroom and got changed, then brushed my teeth.

I put all my stuff back into my bag then opened the door and walked towards the stairs. "Morning Bella" Esme greeted me as I walked into the kitchen. "Morning Esme" I greeted. "Help yourself to the pancakes, plates and everything is on the table" Esme said. "Thanks" I said. "Morning Bella" Emmett called to me.

Emmett, Carlisle, Alice, Rose, Jasper and Edward were all sitting at the table, eating pancakes. "Morning everyone" I greeted as I took a seat. Everyone else said good morning to me as I took a plate and got three pancakes. What can I say? They look good. "Excited about the baseball game?" Emmett asked. "Yep" I said. If only I could play with my real strength. That would be way more fun. My strength is more than a humans, so when I play sports I have to restrain myself, it's still fun but it would be better if I could let out my full strength.

"OK, everyone, finish eating, upstairs and out of your pyjama's and then let's go" Esme commanded. I didn't even realise but some people were still in their pyjamas. "Emmett, stop stuffing your face and lets go get changed" Rose commanded Emmett. "OK Rosie" Emmett said. Together, they left the room to go get changed.

The others followed them to go get changed and I helped Esme start to clear the table of the breakfast dishes. "Oh you don't have to help with those Bella, go and wait for the others" Esme said. "No I want to help, after you cooked those wonderful pancakes, I want to help by cleaning up" Esme said.

"Thank you Bella" Esme said. We cleaned up the kitchen and loaded the dishes into the dishwasher in comfortable silence. It felt so natural to do this, probably because I have been cooking and cleaning for my whole life. "OK, everyone ready to go?" Carlisle asked as we all gathered at the front door.

"Yep" we all said. "OK, Emmett, Rose, Alice and Jasper, you guys can take Emmett's jeep, and the rest of us will take Edward's Volvo and we'll meet you guys there" Carlisle instructed. "Rightio, see you suckers on the field" Emmett said and walked out the door. "See you guys there" the others said and followed him out.

"Where exactly do we play?" I asked. "We have our own baseball field, it's in the forest, an area no-one knows, we have to drive by car to get there and then walk on feet but it's not that far" Edward said. Edward, Carlisle, Esme and I walked out to Edward's Volvo and Esme and I hopped in the back seats while Carlisle and Edward took the front, Edward driving.

He can't even trust his dad with his Volvo, he loves it too much. Hold on, a field? Was that one of the ones that I flew over, not far from this house? Well, we'll see.

We drove for about 10 minutes before we pulled up to track that lead into the forest, the other already waiting there, and leaning against Emmett's jeep, the baseball gear by their feet.

We got out of the car and walked up to them. "Shall we go?" Alice asked. Emmett and Jasper picked up the gear. We all agreed and I followed them into the forest, not knowing where to go. After about a ten minute walk, we came to a break in the forest and walked through to find a bare field. They put the gear down and started setting out the bases and gloves.

"Edward, Rosalie, Jasper and I verse Alice, Bella, Emmett and Esme" Carlisle said. The bases were set up, the normal human distance apart. We all agreed. "We're batting first" Rosalie said. "No cheating" Carlisle warned. We all spread out, Alice pitching.

"Ready guys?" Alice asked the others. They nodded their heads and Alice pitched the ball. We played until they got three outs and switched over. I was up to bat first. I took the bat and went up to home base and looked at Carlisle who was pitching. He pitched the ball and I hit it with as much strength I dared to use. It flew high into the air and dropped right into Rosalie's glove.

She picked it up and waved it to me, smiling while saying "Out". "Damn it!" I said, giving the bat to Emmett. "Better luck next time" he said. But that was a perfect shot, if only Rosalie hadn't caught it. Carlisle went to pitch the ball but stopped as we heard Alice gasp loudly.

All head turned to her direction which was kind of freaky because how could they hear her from out on the field? I ignored that and turned to look at Alice. Her eyes were glazed over, a look I had seen on her many times but never knew why. She stared off into space and we all looked at her. I heard Edward say "Shit" but I don't know why.

What's going on? Alice's eyes became refocused and Jasper ran to her side. He took her face in his hands and looked into her eyes. "What did you see?" he whispered. What does he mean 'what did she see?' "Three nomads, they're coming here, and they're not vegetarians" she said, looking up at him with fearful eyes. Since I wasn't complete human, I wasn't supposed to hear them but I heard every word. What does she mean three nomads? Who's coming here? What does it matter if they're vegetarians? I'm so confused. We all have just stood here for one minute, and if I was human, apparently nothing has been said.

"What's going on?" I asked. This shows that I don't think they are completely human either. But then what are they? All the same eye colour, all pale skin. Nope, nothing. What are they? "Alice, is there enough time to leave?" Carlisle asked. I wasn't supposed to hear him so I pretended like I didn't. "No" Alice whispered.

"Alright will someone please tell me what's going on!" I asked, exasperated. They are talking like I'm not even here. "We have to tell her" Carlisle said. "Tell me what?" I asked. "We can't tell you right now Bella, but we will explain everything later" Edward said, looking at me. I looked back at him confused. "Everything's going to be ok Bella, we'll explain when we get back to the house" Edward said, soothing me.

Why's he soothing me? It's not like someone's coming to try and kill us is it? I listened and then I heard what I think was worrying them all. It was fast paced footsteps. Steps that could never be a human. And there were three of them. What the hell?

Edward and his family all turned their heads towards where I heard the running coming from. "Stay close to me" Edward said, putting his arm around my waist and pulling me close to his body as they all came to stand around us. The footsteps were coming closer, about 1 minute away from us now.

"I'm sorry Bella" Edward said. For what he was saying sorry for I have no idea. "I'm so confused" I said. "We'll explain later, we can't right now" Edward said and turned his head. I turned my head to look where he was just as I saw three figures emerging from the trees in front of us.

(A/N)God I think I really had a lot of time today to post this many chapters in one day....PHEWWW!!! That's it I'm not gonna write anymore today..thank you guys for reading.. :)

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