Haunting memories

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Leo's POV

I blame myself for it.

For what you ask?

The death of my best friend, (Y/N). It happened about a month ago, and I'm still haunted by it. For three reasons. One, I wasn't there to help her because I was helping Calypso. Two, Calypso left me not soon after. Three, how do I explain this.. Well, (Y/N) was a daughter of Hades. So, she has the ability to come back to the human world as a ghost, and speak and mess with us. Let's discuss how this whole thing happened..


So, for Calypso to adjust to camp customs, Chiron sent me, Calypso and (Y/N) to kill a monster that had been in the forest for a while. We were walking through the forest, Calypso glaring at (Y/N) the whole time. (Y/N) just looked ahead, since she was pretty much emotionless, except for the times I would tickle her, someone offended her or one of her friends, and when I told her a joke or two. Soon enough we came across the monster we were sent to kill. It. Was. A. Huge. Frickin. MANTICORE! Calypso looked terrified, then calmed down. She went up to it, trying to tame it. Before I could call her back, the manticore knocked her into a nearby tree. (Y/N) looked shocked. I glared at her. "What are you doing, just fight it!" I yelled at her out of anger. I could see the tears well up in her eyes, but she closed her eyes and opened them, and there were no more tears. She pulled out her pistol with celestial bronze bullets and shot the creature. It howled in pain, then lunged at her. (Y/N) was perfectly capable with taking care of herself, so I turned back to Calypso and helped her out. I heard a scream from behind us and whipped around to see a huge bite mark in (Y/N)'s shoulder and a poison spine in her chest. My eyes widened and I lit my hands aflame and killed the monster. I ran to (Y/N) and checked her for a pulse. There was nothing. I shook her. Her eyes didn't open. "Stop wasting your time. She's dead." I heard Calypso say from behind me. I turned to her. "How could you just say that?! Calypso, you KNOW she was my best friend! I can't believe she's dead..." I asked and then trailed off towards the end. I picked (Y/N) up bridal style. "There has to be something we can do." I said, determined. Calypso was about to say something, but closed her mouth. I ran in the direction of camp, Calypso following suit. 

Nico's POV

I looked out the window of my dim cabin. I saw Calypso walk by. That must mean (Y/N) is back, right?! Nowadays, (Y/N) and Hazel are the only people that can make me smile. They mean a whole lot to me.. I put a black hoodie on and ran outside. I ran up to Leo, and what I saw next horrified me. I saw (Y/N) in his arms, bleeding from her shoulder, and a Manticore's poison spine in her chest. I was enraged. How could Leo and Calypso let this happen to her?! "LEO! WHAT IN THE WORL-" I stopped because I noticed Leo's sad face. I pieced it together. I realized my sister was dead. "Leo. I am going to stop you right there. And if you don't want to get hurt, I suggest you explain what happened to my sister, or you're going to have a really bad time." (Sans, anyone?) I growled, tears threatening to spill. "W-well, um, we were sent to kill a monster in the forest, and it was a manticore, a-and Calypso got knocked aside by it, and I told (Y/N) to kill it, but it took her by surprise, a-and it.. Killed her..." Leo explained. "And you did nothing to stop it?!" I yelled at him. "I was helping Calypso.." He muttered. I glared at Calypso, who just had a blank look and.. A small, almost not noticable smirk. 


I was going to punch her in the face, but I held myself back. We went to the Big House and told Chiron what happened. 

(((Timeskip to the Burial shroud ceremony)))

(Y/N)'s Burial Shroud was made by all the cabins, coming together because even though she was practically emotionless, she was almost everyone's friend. Even Artemis and her hunters came. It was absolutely beautiful. It was made of black silk and had little skulls painted and diamonds dotted on the sides. Cerberus's three heads were painted on the top. 4 crossed bones were painted below it, representing her 4 years at Camp Half Blood. Asphodel flowers were sewn onto the bottom, and two crossed swords below it, because she was a hero. She saved so many lives during the Second Titan War and the war with Gaea. After those, she had to spend months in the infirmary, due to protecting the younger demigods. Enough of that. We began the ceremony, and soon enough it was over.

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