Leo's Birthday *(Special)*

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(F/F) is a favorite food
(F/D) is Favorite drink
3rd Person POV
Leo sat sadly alone in Bunker Nine, tinkering with a few spare parts he found around the place. Things just hadn't been going his way for the past week, and to make it worse, he was being avoided like the plague by his friends and siblings around camp.
A few minutes into his wallowing did he hear the door to the bunker slide open. His ears perked up, looking back and seeing one of his best friends, Y/N, glancing around shiftily, seemingly looking for something.
"Hey, (Y/N)!" Leo called. She looked at him and squeaked, surprised he was there. She ran out the door, not saying a word. He looked at where she was just standing and sighed sadly, running a scrawny hand through his curls. He felt even worse about this avoidance issue now, considering that tomorrow was his birthday. Leo turned back around in his seat. He started again on the project, worrying about the weird behaviour from his friends and cabin-mates. Had he done something wrong? Was something going on?
Y/N panicked. He wasn't supposed to be in there! Luckily, her quick wits allowed her to come up with a Plan B on the spot. Being a daughter of Hermes has its perks. She opened the door to Bunker Nine, not making a sound this time. She snuck in and stalked to a small enclave fashioned in the heaps of material, halfway between Leo's workbench and the door. She threw a pebble at the door, and it managed to hit it along with every piece of scrap metal next to the entrance on the way down. Perfect job, pebble. Leo got up without seeing her and looked towards the door. Since it was open, he ran to it, looking around frantically. She carefully set the little clue on paper next to his construction project. She approached and hid behind him, getting something Piper had given her ready. When he turned and saw his best friend there, he looked ecstatic. Maybe she'd actually talk to him instead of running around like all times previous.
"Nap time, Leo." She whispered, shoving the smoke from the little device under his nose. He fell forward, but before he hit the ground, she caught him. The compound should keep him asleep for 12 hours at most, with no lasting side effects. Hopefully. She slung him over her shoulder, being strong and all that, and took him to his cabin. Y/N set him on his bed platform and left without speaking to the few cabin members in the room. She realised then realised something, running back into the cabin and... taking his wallet. Along with a bag of drachmae. And perhaps his tool belt too. Leaving the cabin for the last time that day, she set the clue cards around camp for a small scavenger hunt. The final card would lead him to the pavilion for his birthday party. If all went according to plan, it was going to be a massive party, planned out from top to bottom. She did seriously hope it all went according to plan.
Sweaty and tired, she made her way into the Hermes cabin, immediately being sought out by two of her half brothers. Connor and Travis took one look at the stuff she took from Leo, immediately intrigued at the prospect of stolen goods. They had gotten on both sides of her, putting their arms around her shoulders and plucking the items out of her hands.
"Have we ever told you how much we love you?" Travis cooed, Connor laughing at their spoils. Connor took the drachmae and Travis took the wallet. And that left her with the belt. She considered wearing it for a spell, but when the pockets yielded nothing of interest for her, she decided to leave it in her trunk until the next day. The conch shell blew, signaling it was dinnertime. Y/N sacrificed some of her food to Hermes, silently praying that tomorrow would go totally smooth. She sat in between Travis and Connor, her absolute favourite brothers (don't tell any of the others.). The trio joked and laughed the whole time, discussing possible pranks to pull on the other cabins. They had just gotten to the idea of glitterbombing the Ares cabin when the shell blew for the bonfire.
Typically, she would spend the bonfire with Leo, singing in funny voices and making fun of other campers but he was... Incapacitated. Thus, she elected to skip out on the bonfire for the night and return to her cabin early. She checked through the cabin storage to make sure she had all of the party supplies ready before going through her bedtime routine. Y/N elected to take as much time as she pleased while everyone else was out at the bonfire. She changed into pajamas and said goodnight one by one to every one of her siblings, as well as the few newcomers, before settling into bed, quickly drifting off to sleep.
Y/N got up as soon as the sun shine through her window the next morning. Wondering why she had convinced herself to get up so early, she remembered the date: July 7th. It was officially Leo's birthday. She had plenty of plans for the day, but first, she needed to get his gifts from her together. Opening her trunk as quietly as possible (none of her siblings would ever be awake this early), she pulled out three items. She retrieved, well, stole from some dusty old workshop, a set of construction blueprint ideas and a fire extinguisher as a joke. She had also painted a picture of his mother using a picture she borrowed (stole) from one of his scrapbooks as a reference. She hid his gifts in an inconspicuous bag underneath her bed, not wanting any of her nosy siblings to get into it. After changing into her everyday attire, Y/N tip-toed outside and to the Hephaestus cabin. She, careful not to make a sound, slithered inside, pretending she was a spy as she made her way to Leo's bedside. Immediately, she began to poke his cheek. When he didn't wake up, she lifted him up and put him on the bench outside his cabin door. She set him down, breathing heavily, and took the opportunity to do something she'd never dare to do when he was awake.
Kiss him? Oh heavens no!
She drew a mustache on his face.
She began to poke his cheek until her friend finally woke up.
"W-what time is it? Where am I?" Leo asked groggily. She put a finger to her lips, signalling for him to be quiet.
"You're in front of your cabin." I said.
"Why are you-" Leo started. She shut him up by giving him the first clue card, along with his toolbelt and a pop tart. Before he could say anything, Y/N pulled him up and pushed him on the path. Making sure he wasn't looking back at her, she ran away towards the dining pavilion and began to decorate with streamers n' stuff. A gaggle of campers sat on one side, filling balloons with helium and setting up banners. Once she got the go ahead from Piper, who requested to be in charge of decorations, Y/N left towards the camp kitchens. A couple of Hecate campers came with her to the camp kitchen to bake the cake. When they finished, they had a three layer cake made to look like a steampunk machine. If a button was pushed at the bottom of the platter, a little Festus would pop out of the bottom layer and fly around the cake, courtesy of the Hecate campers. She smiled and clapped while testing it out, watching the little Festus fly out of a trapdoor with a party hat on.
Y/N took the cake on a cart and pushed it outside. Setting up tables, she hummed 'Happy Birthday' to herself. Looking around, she felt an immense surge of pride at all her work paying off. Everyone looked excited for the party to begin, and she was excited for Leo to arrive and see everyone celebrating just for him. Of course, she did have to pull a lot of favours to get everything work out just the way she'd like it (Hecate kids don't work for free), but she'd consider it worth it if Leo was half as satisfied as she was.
"Alright everybody, go ahead and put your gifts on the table!" She yelled, many of Leo's friends and cabin mates taking the cue and rushing to the table to put down their gifts. The daughter of Hermes smiled as she saw Leo stumbling along towards the pavilion while looking confused at one of the clues and gifts she had left on his trail. She whistled and his head shot up as a smile formed on his elvish face. He raced excitedly to the pavilion and ran over to Y/N.
"You did this?" He asked while grinning like a mad man.
"Not by myself, but yes, I did this. All for you, Leo." She said, turning and giving him a kiss on the cheek. A small scoff was heard from Connor and Travis, though, them being the overprotective brothers that they are. She gave a thumbs up to the Dionysus camper sitting up on a platform with a set of DJ equipment in front of him. He nodded and pressed a button on his set. Music blasted out of speakers and another platform lifted, stairs popping out of the sides. Y/N and Nyssa winked at each other, Nyssa producing a tiny remote from her pants pocket. She pressed a button and from the surrounding fields and skies, over a dozen metal dragons came flying and scurrying into the dining pavilion. A few of them stopped for the younger campers to get on and ride, but most kept flying around. Nyssa and Y/N smiled at Leo's ecstatic face.
"Do you like it?" She asked him, looking at the group of people who had already started dancing and eating.
"Like it? N/N, I love it." Leo grinned like a child.
"Before we do anything, I arranged a little ride." She announced, holding his hand and turning to the closed off area. Y/N whistled, and one of the Hephaestus kids opened the door with a key. There sat a medium size metal dragon, built for only two. Leo's smile was worth ignoring him to work with Nyssa and a few of his siblings to set this up. Y/N led him over to the enclosure and hopped on the front of the dragon she liked to call Appa. She continued helping Leo on and as soon as he had a tight grip on two little handles that were built into the top, the pair shot into the sky. Appa kept rising and from where the pair were, they could see all of camp. They stayed there for a few seconds, then shooting forward to the forest. They spiraled down slowly onto a pad that further led into a huge tree "village" that spanned over multiple trees, bridges connecting the small houses from branch to branch. They sat on the edge of the platform, just swinging their legs. The night sky shone bright above them. The ambience of the forest filled any comfortable silence between them. Leo turned toward her, giving her a small smile.
"Thank you, thank you so much, N/N." Leo thanked her. She could feel her face heat up. If she was to be a little less than honest, she would say she has a tiny crush on Leo.
"It was really no problem." She laughed sheepishly, playing off all the work she had done to get them here.
"No, seriously. No one's ever done something so kind for me before. I really, really appreciate you doing this." Leo's tone turned serious, but he chose not to look her in the eye at the moment. He instead turned his burning face up to the stars.
"Of course, Leo. Anything for my best friend." It felt like a tiny needle poking her throat when she said 'friend'. At the moment, she wasn't even paying attention at Leo staring at her.
"Can I... can I kiss you?"
"I mean, if you wan- wait, what?"
Leo leaned forward, pressing his lips to hers. It was a sweet kiss, full of love and longing. Classically teenage-like. Leo pulled back, a soft look on his face.
"Can this be my birthday gift every year?" He asked, grinning.
"If you want." She smiled.
Thank you for reading! Remember to vote, comment, and follow. Not all at once, of course. And as always, it's just a suggestion.
Have a good day/night!
2022 edit: dude, i just had to fix this whole thing. i would've rewritten it entirely if i had the motivation lol, but for now we'll just have to go with spelling corrections, POV edits, and removal of century old references. hope you like it better now lol
~Sophy, Daughter of Apollo

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