Mad Swan #1 (Emma and Jefferson)

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(Poofs in out of no where)

    I'm back my fellow oncers 😄. It is right now when I'm writing this September 1st so we have 4 more weeks left 😂😂 so I'm just happy crying a lot lol OK thats all I wanted to say

    (Poofs out)

    (Poofs back in)

Sorry almost forgot this takes place in Season 1 what I would have loved to happen if Emma ever ran into Jefferson on a simple day 😊 I'm excited to write this.

Emma's POV

It was a same old day wake up get ready eat breakfast with Mary Margaret and go to the sheriff department for the day and go back to the loft.

Or at least that's what I thought was  to happen. I was out patrolling when I saw him.

The tall figure who kidnapped me and Mary Margaret.

I slowly get out the car slightly scared but not really. Trying extremely hard not to make a sound which is hard for me because my name might be Swan but I have the grace of a ugly duckling. (see what I did there) I was about two feet from him when all of a sudden he turned around and said "oh shit" I very hard punch him in the face remembering how he dragged me on the floor and I had carpet rash for two weeks and it hurt like hell and then I noticed

I punched him a little to hard and he had passed out on the ground

I stand above him looking at his face and thought wow he actually kinda cute when his not kidnapping me and all of a sudden I felt stupid listen to your self Emma he kidnapped you  

Jefferson Pov

  I wake up and notice that I'm laying on a hard bed and slowly get up scared to see what happened and why I'm not in my king sized bed but to my surprise I hear a familiar voice say "good morning sleep head. How's the nose"

already knowing that it was Emma I say "peachy how about you how are you doing on this fine morning" in a really sarcastic way not really feeling up to the small chit chat and all of a sudden taking me out of my trance I noticed Emma got up from her seat and is standing less then a foot away from me and I noticed something something i didn't notice when I was kidnapping her she's beautiful but then again shes the daughter of Snow White and Prince Charming what can you expect but still there something else there she's the type of person who doesn't really see herself as beautiful which is kinda attractive

"hello I asked you a question" she did I ask myself in confusion "repeat please" she casually sighs " I said how did you escape so quickly from the house and why aren't you dead from the fall"

I put the most cocky smile I can possibility put on my face and say simply "magic" and go lay down on the hard bed

Emma's POV

  This guy is starting to really annoy me but not really wanting to fight with him and have to go all detective on him I tell him I'm going on lunch break and leave.

Later at Mary Margaret's loft

"Emma you can't just leave him there alone" Mary Margaret screams at me I've been her for at least 30 minutes minding my business eating a ham sandwich when randomly Mary Margaret comes home I told her everything that happened and she has yet to stop screaming and after a little while of listening her rant I ask a simple question "do you want to press charges" Mary Margaret thinks about it for a while and finale answered with a no because she doesn't want me to lose my job which I would've happly lost my job if it ment that lunatic got to got to jail but I digress and agreed and left for the station yet again

Later at the the station

  His still here I kinda don't want to let him out but it was Mary Margaret wishes so I guess I have to I walk over to the bars and slowly on lock the doors and say "your free to go we will not be pressing any charges" and he just smirks and slowly walk forward towards me and leans down to kiss me of course I'm shocked and don't react and my head is fighting with its self one side saying kiss the life out of him and the other saying kick him in the jewels he is to close but I don't listen because after I get out of my head I noticed he was stepping back probably because I wasn't kissing back but feeling bold I step forward and grab his neck kissing him passionately

Next morning

I wake up and noticed that I wasn't alone and I didn't have clothes on the first thing I thought was Emma your so fucking stupid and decided I'd deal with this in the morning I'm still tired and slowly I passed out on Jefferson. 

Word count: 864

My longest one yet yay 😀😀

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