Swan Queen #1

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Hey guys you may be confused why it says #1 even though its the second one shot its because it's the first Swan Queen one sorry if its bad I've never really shipped Swan Queen as more then friends or sister like so I decided to make them friends if you don't like that then you can ask for a Swan Queen one shot and tell me the concept of the one shot and status (friends,together)

It was a normal day in Storybrooke Emma went to the station for the day since David couldn't work today he had to watch baby Neal. All day she wasn't needed to save the day or fight some mystical creatures like usual.

  So that day was pretty slow for Emma. As the day went by she kept thinking about Regina worring for her and her mending heart over the lost of Robin.

Finale it became dark and gloomy outside and Emma's shift was over, as she walked to Granny's she looked up at the sky to see the moon and stars and smiled and continued to walk soon she got to the diner she slowly walked up the two stairs to the door still tired from her day opened the door Jingle the bell over the door scared Emma she slowly walks up to the bar wanting a drink all of a sudden she saw Regina sitting taking shot after shot Emma could easily see Regina has been there for awhile from the 5 other shot glasses and a half of a liquor bottle next to the glasses

Emma sits next to Regina and grabs one of the shot glasses filled with liquor and took a shot Regina was surprised by that action and out of no where

Emma says "hope you don't mind it looked like you might want a drinking buddy" Regina slightly laugh at what Emma said and softly nods in agreement hours passed

Regina was pass drunk and so was Emma they had been at the bar for hours and had drunken more then 3 bottles of liquor gladly for them Henry was with David and Mary Margaret for the night.

Regina wouldn't stop laughing Emma never saw Regina laugh that much ever and they've known each other for 5 years for the first time in 30 mins Regina stop laughing and said slowly in tears "why most everyone I love die" Emma surprised looked at her friends teary face and said "I've been asking that question for years" Regina spatted back to what Emma said "Hook is still alive, Robins died it's not fair!" Emma surprised at that Emma says "yes, Regina it's not fair I'd do understand that and I want you to know I'm here for you Mary Margaret is, and David most importantly Henry is"

Emma got up and step forward to Regina and wrapped her arms around her friend who was hurting and slowly Emma says still not letting go "you have your family"

Word count : 500




             - Jade

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