The thing is Leo was scary. He was a big, scary, mean bully. I hated how he could make me feel so insignificant and worthless. There was something I wanted to tell him. Give him some quick-witted remark just to bring down his ego a notch. At least make me seem less of a victim. Do something that will show him I'm not the cry baby he and the others make me out to be. The problem was my mind was practically shut down. I couldn't see past this moment. All bodily functions were disabled. I stood there still as a pile of rocks.

              "What's wrong baby Nico? Why the sad face?" Leo questioned shaking Bun right in my face.

              This just brought fresh new tears to my eyes. Droplets fell on the floor. I knew I couldn't get my bunny rabbit back from Leo no matter what I do. I was just too afraid to take it from him.

"You want your bunny don't you? Well take it. I promise nothing will happen if you take him back."

              This was almost too good to believe. Leo, actually willing to give me my Bun back? My hands slightly shifted from that thought. I knew a bluff when I heard one. I wasn't that stupid. Leo was a dirty liar. No surprise either, his father was the best. Looking up, Leo's devious smile turned sour. He was probably disappointed that I didn't fall for such a predictable trick. It would take a lot more than that. Besides, I've been bullied plenty enough times by him to pick up a few things. After all, my Father is the Don; I know a few things.

              "Come on now! Take it!" A kid said in the background. Most likely it is one of Leo's cousins. Nothing stopped them from getting some free entertainment.

              I made no effort to take Bun back. The thought of Leo turning his offer against me was too fearful. It was best to do nothing. I mumbled my apology to Bun. Hopefully he will forgive me. Leo on the other hand wasn't quite done with me yet. He pulled out of his frustration, a new scheme already formed. That sour look was promptly replaced with a crafty grin instead.

              "Last chance Nico." Leo answered, switching over to English. "You sure you don't want your stupid toy anymore?"

              I hung my head lower giving no response.  A big mistake that was. A snipping noise jerked my head up completely. My eyes grew wide with terror; a new coat of tears decorated them. Leo was smiling brighter, his eyes reflecting joy from my own distress. In his hands weren't the safety scissors we were given at school. No, they were big boy scissors. The type people use to cut duct tape. Thick and sharp he brought it close to Bun. Leo took his time enjoying the horror he gave me. He was easing closer and closer to Bun's stuffed neck.

              My eyes followed every subtle movement. There were no more tears left to shed. I was done crying and done simply watching. All sense of reason left me. I was on my own...

              There was no warning, I wasn't even aware I did it. It all happened too fast. My short legs went up and as hard as I could, I kicked Leo. All my energy went into that kick. Leo sucked in his breath trying to act like the tough guy in the situation. There was no hiding it, his face said it all. With his furrowed eyebrows, eyes squinted and teeth clenched. Not to mention that funny hop he did; I did a pretty good job distracting him.

              Not a second to lose, I rapidly grabbed Bun from the floor. Tossing the pair of scissors from Leo's reach I made my break for it. I dashed passing the crowed that formed around us. One of Leo's cousins blocked my way. In a panic I stopped short hoping to turn the other way instead falling down hard.

              Leo recovered a lot faster than I had hoped. In an instant he was hovering over me. Running on adrenaline made me quick on my feet. I crawled swiftly under Leo. His cousin made a sprint for me. He was close but he tripped over my feet missing me. Leo crashing into his cousin not before he grabbed my arm forward. There was a tearing sound but I didn't notice. Quick as light, I sprinted out of the mess. Every ounce of strength went into escaping from Leo. Up ahead there was a small gap out of the circle. It was small enough for me to get out. In the mist of the fight the kids went into a crazed frenzy. It was the perfect time for me to save myself.

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