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                                        "Respect means success." -Don Ciro Ferrari

              "Stop!" I cried out, tears flooded my face, "Give him back!"

              My cousins ignored my pleas. They were far too focused on playing their stupid games to care. Left and right they passed my favorite toy around. It was the same thing every day whenever they come to my house. Bun, my bunny, was thrown across the living room roughly. I was afraid he might rip. Again and again he was hurled countless times. There was no way I could even hope to catch him. The older boys were having a blast while the others just enjoyed my torment. No matter how hard I begged their laughter channeled me out. This time Bun took a hit for the worse, literally. He had a free fall- a nose dive into my Mother's flower pots. I had no idea how to react. I wanted to kick, scream and cry, maybe all three.

              "Stop!" My voice faltered. "Give back Bun!" I reached out trying to grab him. It was no use. I was smaller than all the other kids in the household. They were all bigger and taller than me. I couldn't do anything about getting Bun back.

              "No way are we giving your stupid toy back!" One of the kids called out. "Yeah," another said, "We're having way too much fun." My lips quivered in defeat. There was no way I was ever getting him back.

              "Come on guys' that's enough." I twisted my head in an odd angle to see Viola Leone scolding everyone for being mean to me. They blew her off, even going as far as shoving her out of their way. If I could I would have beaten their asses down for hurting Viola, but I wasn't exactly the fighting type. Instead I just shouted, "Leave her alone!"

              The laughter died down. A few sniffles left my mouth. An echo of steps filled the living room but other than that, it was quiet. Leonardo Costa walked my way. I quickly tried to wipe off my face, still the tears fell. There was no way Leo was going to make fun of me crying. Not this time around at least. That seemed unlikely no matter which way you put it.

              Try as I might, I could not dry my water works. I shouldn't have made an effort to help Viola when I couldn't even help myself. Today I knew I was in for it. Leo's face said it all. The other kids covered up their smirks and giggles. Still it was apparent that they were going to enjoy every moment. From the corner of my eye, I saw a look of concern on Viola's face. With his sly smile Leo strolled over. The other kids made a path just for him. With Bun in hand he dangled him in front of my face. He made it obvious that he was bigger, taller and stronger. Trying to show off his control over me, I knew better than to reach out for Bun. The time that happened wasn't something I would like to reminisce about. Instead I kept my hands in my jean pocket, head low.

              "Aw, was the little baby crying?" Leo mocked in that sharp, sloppy Italian of his.

              "I'm not a baby," I mumbled quietly to myself.

              "What was that baby? I couldn't hear you." Leo teased. "What are you like five? What five year old boy has a stuffed animal?!"

              "Nine." I replied. "I'm nine years old." It was still no use. Leo only paid attention to the things he wanted to hear. Right now, to him I was just a five year old. With all this crying I was doing now, it was no shocker. There was this struggle in me. I didn't know whether I should escape while I still can, leaving Bun and Leo's taunts behind or hold my ground. Father always told me to stand-up for myself; to prove my worth to others. No one is going to do it for me. If I didn't prove to others, I could never hope to satisfy myself. No respect means no success. That was what Father constantly told me.

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