Chp 8

351 20 5

I pulled into my school parking lot, and found a parking spot. After cutting my car off and getting my things, I walked to my locker. I opened my locker only to find ANOTHER letter. It fell out of my locker so I picked it up and read it. It was the same stupid little message that was on the other ones.

 "You will NEVER meet those stupid Mindless Behavior faggots. They don't care about you, and they will never love you. Your fanpage is worthless and so are you."

You know what? I'm sick of this. All of this started happening ever since Kiona caught that little attitude with me that day..she must have something to do with this. And I can't get my family member to find out who that account belonged to because it was deleted. I know what I can do! I'll get Mrs. Manson to see if she can tell if this is Kiona's handwriting. Yea I'll do that during study hall.

I walked to first period and sat in my normal desk. I forgot Kiona and I sat by eachother..welp this is gonna be awkward. She came in the class and sat in her seat. She didn't acknowledge me at all, which I'm glad she didn't. I feel like asking her does she have something to do with these notes, but I know she's gonna go off on me. You know what? I don't even care. If she has something slick to say I'll set her straight. 

"Hey Kiona can I ask you something?", I POLITELY asked. She side-eyed me with an annoyed look on her face.

She sighed. "What do you want?"

"I was trying to see if you had anything to do with this..", In said as I gave her the note. She read it with no emotion her face or eyes. She gave it back.

"No, I don't. I don't know who wrote this"

"Okay thank you. I was just making sure."


"Okay hold up. I don't understand why you have such an attitude with me. I've done nothing to you for you to be treating me like this. What's your problem?", I said with a slight attitude.

"Okay well you get on my nerves about MB so I don't wanna be around you anymore. Simple as that.", she shrugged.

"Well if you had a problem about it, why did you tell me?"


"That's what I thought.", I said. Kiona sighed and looked at me.

"Wait. I just wanted to be able to hang with you without you always talking about them. I know you love them but dang stop talking about them for once."

"I can talk about them all I want to, okay? It's my mouth, but it's alright. Don't worry about it."


I sighed and continued writing notes from the board in class. If she had a problem she could have just told me.

"I swear man some people can really irritate me..", I mumbled to myself. I sighed and shook my head.


Hey guys!! Sorry I haven't updated in a while. Don't forget to like, comment, and vote!



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