Chp 6

336 17 12

(A/N:This chapter is a little bit longer than all my other ones, so go grab some snacks or listen to music while reading if you want to. And DO NOT play the video until I mention later on in the story you can. Okay back to the story!)



I instantly started getting likes and comments. But one comment that caught my eye, brought me to tears and broke my heart.

You will NEVER meet those stupid Mindless Behavior faggots. They don't care about you, and they will never love you. Your fanpage is worthless and so are you.

This is someone from my school saying this..


(A/N:The usernme I'm using is NOT real.I repeat it is NOT real.)

Tuesday Night

I decided to dm this anonymous person since they wanted to comment shit under my post, but not tell who they are.

moanin_elijahj:Since you wanna be bold and comment stupid shit under my post, just expose yourself. Who are you?

???:STFU and leave me alone! I don't have to explain anything to you! I hope you die

moanin_elijahj:Aww somsomebody's scared I'll expose them. Don't be scared because I will :)

???:Fuck you bitch

moanin_elijahj:You are irrelevant. BLOCKEDT 

I screenshotted the account to find out who it is behind it. I a family member who's good at lurking really deep and finding things out like this.

I scrolled some more through my tl and saw that EJ liked my rant post and commented a heart with the letter 'ily'. I froze.

He's never actually commented that under any of my posts before. He would just comment a heart, or a 'thank you', or something else regarding what it was about. I started to tear up. I know he loves me, but this comment officially proves it. Yes, I cried like the little baby I am and ran to my mom's room to tell her.

"Momma!! Omg Omg I'm crying real nigga tears.", I said with so much happiness. "Look!"

I handed her the phone and she smiled. Started talking in her "white girl" voice.

"OH MY GOSH!! Omg Omg Miyah!", I gave her a stank face. We both laughed and I laid beside her on her bed. 

"Mom, he's never commented 'ily"' under my post before. And he's commented many other times. This is the first time he's ever done this.", I said. I sighed and put my face in my hands.

"Well I'm happy for you honey! Have you told Kiona about it?", asked.


What if she was the one who said that mean comment?

"No. I don't think we're friends anymore..", I replied.  I started scrolling though my tl again. I'm not gonna deal with her bs anymore. She's been treating me like this about MB ever since sophomore year.

"Why hun? Yall were just the best of friends last week and you was at her house."

"I told her Monday that the boys were coming this Friday, and I was about to ask her, before she cut me off, did she want to come with me. She said 'If you're asking can I come with you, No. You know I don't like them new boys.' or sum like that. We haven't really talked ever since..", I exclaimed. My mom sighed.

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