chapter two:fashion dolls

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              i never thought i was pretty. i have that dirty blonde hair that always tangled when i wake up in the morning, light blue eyes, a very pale completion that makes me look like Caspar the ghost, a short height of 4'9, and a skinny frame to add to my unruly body. for someone like Kendall to notice someone like me really surprises me. At my old school the only time i was noticed was when i did the school musical. I felt so important after opening night because, half the student body would come see it and a line of congrats would be in place for me and my cast mates. but this was the start of something bigger, it's two weeks before sophomore year and i would be starting with Kendall and her probably fabulous posse.

         We are in what i soon found out Kendall's convertible infinity with the radio blasting smooch 95.1 which is a pop station. the top is down and the blistering Jersey heat is tanning my ghostly skin, our hair is blowing freely in the wind, and at every stop-light Kendall tries to pry her silky hair out of her lip gloss.

"ugh, i hate this car!" she yelled removing a wad of hair from her glistening lips. this was the first time she had started up conversation with me. she had been driving for ten minutes and hadn't spoken to me because she was on the phone with her friends. From the snippets i had heard she was warning them that she had invited me in on their day of fun, and from her replies her friends seemed open-minded to a new buddy.

 "are you kidding me? your car is awesome!" i announced over the pop beat on the radio.

"seriously though, my mom is such a cheapskate! she wouldn't let me get a newer version of the car. if i had the newest one the windshield would actually shield the wind. i'm going to start using the range-rover instead." she ranted as we drove over a bridge.

"i personally l-o-v-e your car." i said relishing in the feeling of the wind blowing through my hair.

"well if my mom let's me use the 'Rover' then you can have this one...only if you really L-O-V-E it." she said the L-O-V-E rolling off her tongue like a different language.  turning into the parking lot of a huge mega-mall entitled Bridge-wood Mall.

"you mean it?" i stammered.

"yeah of course. why would i be kidding?" she asked cocking her beautiful face to one-side.

"well because we just met and you've invited me out with your friends and offered me your car!" i exclaimed.

"and?.... i mean you seem cool and i just know your going to hit it off with my besties. you just have that vibe. we don't just induct people in our clique like this, so it's a really big deal. Not to be mean or anything Barbie but you need a total makeover if your going to hang. we can't just be hanging around E.C.A with someone sub-par. you understand right?" she explained.

"um..." i replied at loss for words. i wasn't sure to be offended or complimented. my emotions were split.

"i knew you would understand Hun, c'mon Barbie let's not leave the other dolls waiting!"

      I followed Kendall through the sliding automatic door taking in the larger than life mall. the base level where we entered was cluttered with people. engulphing us on eachside is the huge food court with long strings of mini versions of food chains, circular and rectangular shaped tables are scattered about the court, and in the center of the chaos is a huge fountain where two other teenagers were seated legs crossed and heads bowed down looking at their fancy phones. kendall was strutting in their direction and i followed close behind.

     I copied the way she walked. her head held high, shoulders back, and shoes leading the way just like a Victoria secret model. except instead of looking like a angel i looked like a total klutz. she tossed her hair back before glancing back at me.

"we'lle work on it." she said adjusting her pink purse on her shoulder.

       when we were almost at the fountain when one of the girls looked up nudged the other girl beside her and they raced over toward us.

"hey Kendall!" a girl with short brunette hair nearly sung flinging her arms around Kendall's neck. Her voice high and pitched with a tang of jersey sass to it. her hazelnut eyes flickered to Kendall and over to me, her think mascara clumped lashes fanning ringlets of air toward us. 

"Hey Nikki!" she exclaimed hugging the girl back and gently nudging me forward.

"this is Barbie, the girl i was talking about on the phone." she explained. Nikki looked me up and down and nodded in approval.

"nice to meet cha'" she said wiggling her fingers in a flirty wave. i waved awkwardly back and let out a meek. "hi."

The other girl was standing in front of me. She had long wavy scorching red flames for hair, piercing green eyes just like Kendall, and was very tall and slightly muscular.  she was like a foreign beauty, even though she didn't look like twigs like Kendall and Nikki, she still fit in.

"sweet to meet you Barbie. my name is Rachel."  she said with a deep sassy jersey accented flare. so far Kendall seemed to have the heaviest accent. Nikki and Rachel had much lighter accents as if some of Kendall's dialect rubbed off on them.

"same here!" i replied trying to keep my voice from cracking at their beauty. Nikki was the prettiest of the small group, she seemed like the type of girl that when she first wakes up in the morning still looks fabulous. Rachel is more of a hidden gem of beauty, even though she is buffer then me, Kendall, and Nikki combined she still is gorgeous. Pretty cannot describe Kendall,  She is flawless. not even one fine bump or zit graces her face. she looks like perfect spray-tanned porcelain.

"prepare the assembly line dolls!" Kendall announced clapping her charm bracelet shaking on her thin wrist. i raised a bushy eyebrow as the two girls looped arms with Kendall.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 08, 2013 ⏰

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