Chapter 17

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Fel grabbed Tara's hand firmly.

"I won't let her out of my sight", he proclaimed.

Tara recoiled from his grasp. "You don't need to hold my hand. I'm still big", she mumbled.

"Well, you must be going on your way. I will not be able to aid you on your journey, as much. Our paths may cross again. So, do not forget what I am about to say", the wise old man said. Coughing, he began:

Upon the Big Apple, thy must journey

To the Iconic Site

Of a building complex

of the World Trade Center

After reclaiming what was once fully critical,

Destroying any means of it

Shall be necessary

Continue, so forth,

and you shall find

The next location

Of your replica item

"Fare well dear children. And please, beware of those you meet. You can not trust anyone now".

"How are we to trust you?" Wyatt snapped. Stacy punched his arm.


"Ah, but you must not draw attention to yourselves. Your enemy may be near. They may try, non stop, to destroy you...

until you all disappear.

Good bye.."

In an instant, he was gone before their eyes.

"We have to go to the twin towers", Trina concluded.

"And get that machine before we meet them".

"But- before we go", Fel intervened.

"How are we going to get IN without being noticed?"

"Leave that to me", Xander said.


"Such a nice plan. But, unfortunately for them, they do not know what power illusions may have".

The mysterious person cackled as they watched from above, guiding the children to a more, complex and irritable journey.

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