Honest Smiles are the Best Smiles

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"It's great that you have acquainted yourself with their child," Zenyatta said. "Perhaps you can learn a few things from her," he continued.

"She seems at peace with her body," he said, his voice amused. "I almost envy her."

"You still have much to learn,"

"I know," he said, sighing exasperatedly.

Genji opened the front door with his elbow, his hands carrying shopping bags full of food.

"I'm back," he called out, just to be greeted by the girl running excitedly at him.

"Did you bring me my fruit drops?" she asked, pulling at his hands before offering to help him carry one of the bags. Genji nodded curtly, letting the girl lead him and Zenyatta into the kitchen.

"Welcome back," a robotic voice called out to the three of them, followed by a very much human shriek from the omnic's husband, which was followed by the clatter of spoons and forks and the thud of the shelf compartment. The rest of them shared a little laugh, while the man readjusted the shelf and put the spoons and forks back in place. Genji then placed the items on the counter, before pulling out the girl's fruit drops and placing it on her outstretched arms. She opened the can of candies immediately and took a green one, placing it on her mouth. She offered the can to Genji.

"Do you want one?" she asked. "Wait, can you eat?" she asked again, slightly embarrassed.

"Yes, I can," he said taking a grape flavoured fruit drop before taking off his mask and popping it in his mouth. Zenyatta notes a new gentleness in Genji's voice and let out a little hum on satisfaction, patting his pupil on the shoulder.

"Are you not going to offer me one?" Zenyatta asked jokingly while pointing at himself, which induced a small laughter from the girl.

"Only if you can eat it," she giggled, offering him the candies, which the monk later denied, followed with a curt nod. The girl then turned back to look at Genji and tilts her head to the right.

"So, why is your face scarred Genji?"

He froze at the question.

"You can't just ask that, dear, it's not very nice to say," her omnic father interjected, patting her hair gently. Genji could see her face fluster in guilt and embarrassment before nodding at her father and turning back to him.

"I- I'm sorry Genji, I didn't mean to," she said, not daring to look at his face. Instead, the man kneels in front of her and strokes her hair gently, comfortingly.

"It's alright, you know?" his voice gentle and kind.

"No, no, no, it's not fine! I shouldn't have asked, I'm sorry. I hope you don't hate me now," she said, her voice breaking just right at the end.

Genji let out a soft chuckle. "Of course not, I don't hate you, not at all." he said, trying to cheer the little child, cupping her face with his big, mechanical hands. He sees that her eyes were watery and her face red, but before he can say anything, she landed another hug on him, causing him to lose his balance and fall, the little girl still clinging onto him.

"I'm glaaaaaad," she said, mid-sobbing.

"Alright now, calm down all of you," Hands of flesh took the little girl off Genji and placed her on her father's shoulders. She wiped her tears and started laughing as soon as her human father ran around the house with her on his shoulder, imitating sounds of a plane while her omnic father scolding the other man for his carelessness.

"It's a lovely family isn't it?" Zenyatta remarked.

"It is," he replied. Genji had wished his family was the same, but then again, perhaps he was one to blame for the state of his family.

For a second, he wondered how Hanzo is faring. He did now know whether or not he wished for the man to be dead, but he had wished things were different. Sometimes even, he wished that dr. Ziegler never saved him. It is better than wandering in this world without meaning forever.

"What's wrong, Genji?" the girl asked, snapping him back into reality. The girl gently held his hand and asked him, "are you alright?"

"I assure you, I am fine,"

"You don't have to act tough you know, you're one of us now. You don't have to lie if you're not alright," her omnic father hummed,

"After all, you're a part of our family now!" his husband boomed.

He sighs, and thanks the man before excusing himself. "I'm- I'm just going to go and take walk. I need some time to think,"

"Ooh! Can I join?" the girl asked, entwining herself around Genji's leg, "pleeeeease?" she begged.

"Hey, come on baby girl, give the man some space," her father said, pulling her away from Genji. She pouted and crossed her arm.

"You can tag along if you want," he said. It was a simple act, and yet it brought light into the girl's face. She cheered. Genji has never seen someone smile so often. No, his own family never smiled, especially around him. Not to mention how they took everything too seriously. Thinking back, that might have been why he liked to go out by himself. It was too stressful, it was too tense. But then, he wasn't very responsible either. He only has himself to blame. The two went out, and walked around until they passed a place so familiar to Genji. It was an arcade center. He remembers spending many hours here, just playing and playing, trying to forget his family and responsibilities. Trying to pull himself away from the things that his family has done.

"What's wrong Genji? Do you want to go in?" The girl asked, holding his hand.

"No, I just- I used to spend many hours here, but that was a long time ago,"

"How nice, I've always wanted to play here but our family don't have that much to spend,"

"Tell me. What do you want to play? I'll treat you,"

"Really?" She squealed. "Thank you! You're the best brother in the whole world!"

"I really am not. I still have much to learn,"

"But you are to me! You're nice and gentle and sweet and not stingy and you're just like me!" She said, pointing at her bionic arm. "I do think you need to smile more though," she said, a wide grin on her face.

Genji once again took off his masked, and smiled.

"Like this?" He asked.

"You always look so sad when you smile," she said. "But we'll change that!" She said, enthusiastically

He chuckled at her response, and gave her a friendly pat on the head.

"Like that! Like that! That's how you should smile!" she said, jumping around him, excited.

"Now, now. Let's go play something, yes?" he said, guiding her into the arcade.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 08, 2016 ⏰

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