*Chapter 6*

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The feeling of kissing with him is....indescribable. Fireworks were exploding in my tummy. We're walking together around the park. It was pretty late right now so the park was empty. I saw a pond just a few steps away and saw 2 swans. They looked really beautiful. I asked him if we could sit on the bench for a while.

"I'll be back with hot drinks." He said. While I waited for him, I suddenly felt cold. Maybe I forgot that it was cold since it was really warm beside him. Haha Trisha was right, I did end up liking him. I looked around and it was very empty. Why is it taking him a while to get drinks?
Pure silent, I heard a faint sound of footsteps coming towards me. Finally he's here.

" Hey there miss, are you alone right now?" It's not him. He sounds drunk. . . I slowly looked back and it was a drunk guy. I need to get him away from me.
" Uh if you go straight from here and then go left you'll see the exit... If you're looking for it", I hope he listens, " I have someone who I'm waiting for."

The guy checked out my body and started walking weirdly to me. I can't run away, what if he chases me? My body couldn't move. Mimmy you better start moving or else he might get you.



It's no use. I can't even scream? What's wrong with me right now? Why are there no security guards here... I was sweating. I feel so light-headed... He took hold of my shoulders and started touching me on my chest. Jeonghan. Help. I can't move. What do I do. I can't even kick him. Oh god what's happening to my body.

" S-stop!!" I screamed," JEONGHAN! HELP! WHERE ARE YOU!"

" haha you can scream all you want, no one will hear your scream. Come with me to a hotel. I'll take care of you ;)". Jeonghan please I need you. Forget the drinks. I'd rather sleep with you than sleep with this guy.

I suddenly felt something go off my waist. I heard a few punches here and there. My eyes starting to tear up, fell on my knees and looked straight. Jeonghan came. Jeonghan. Tears started rolling down my cheeks as I was so relieved to see him. I was scared to death Jeonghan. Why didn't you come earlier?! My arms and legs felt so weak I couldn't even stand up. I hate you Jeonghan.

" Finally, you're here..." And my vision went pitch black.


"MIMMY!! HOLD ON!!" I heard someone scream my name. Probably Jeonghan. I couldn't see anything. Thank you Jeonghan.

"Jeonghan!! Help! Where are you!!" I heard from someone that I didn't want to get in trouble. Mimmy I'm coming please wait for me. When I can finally see her, I saw a guy was touching her... All over her body. Stop it. Stop touching her. I ran my fastest to her and punched the guy on the face. It hurts but I don't care. This guy touched my girl. How dare he. I punched him not letting him lay a finger on me. He was really drunk. I'll send him to the police after I beat him to a pulp. Agh I'm so angry at myself. I shouldn't have left her alone. I should have asked her to come with me.

I saw her fall down on the ground and screamed her name trying to make her stay awake.

"MIMMY!! HOLD ON!!"I let go of the guy violently and held Mimmy. She's sweating a lot in a really cold weather. I'll kill this guy if I ever see him again. I got Mimmy on my back and searched for a police. I told the police about the guy and I hurried to my house. It was way nearer than the hospital.

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