*Chapter 9*

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Where am I? Why am I standing on clouds?

A figure appeared infront of me and walked towards me. Who is this person? Who am I?
When I finally saw the persons face, it felt like I've met this person before... But I just don't remember anything. I walked to him and examined him.

" Where am I? And who am I?", I asked him desperately.
"You're in Heaven. The place where people who died comes to, but you're an exception. Your name? You'll remember it. Now please follow me, someone's wanting to meet you."
" H-heaven?! I'm dead?!"
" You'll see",I followed the guy and entered a room. There were people everywhere. They looked very happy. There was one person who caught my eye. He was the biggest out of all the people here. I'm guessing he's the king or something. We stopped right infront of the huge person and I just stared at him.
"Ah you're finally here. I've been wanting to meet you." He said in a very deep voice.
"Can you please tell me my name? This person right here won't tell me who I am."
" You'll know it. Now, listen to me. You will spend some time here and try to remember what happened. If you still wanna live in the human world, you would need to remember everything. If you don't in 3 days, you will never go back. Your soul might be dead but your heart is still alive. This is why you're an exception. You are one of the few people to experience this and it's very rare. Now go with Jeonghan and he will let you know where to start.

Jeonghan? ... It feels like I know who that is but... Agh I just don't remember anything. My head hurts.

" Who's Jeonghan?"
" He's the person who you first met here. The one beside you. He will help you to remember everything." I looked at the person and seems like I can trust him. The look in his eyes are just assuring me that he will help me no matter what.

We entered another room and it looked like a normal bedroom. It looked like a guys room. He gave me a signal to sit on the bed so I sat there. This feels so awkward... It was very quiet. No one was talking. He then broke the silence and said," Sorry I didn't introduce myself earlier. I'll say it this time. I'm Jeonghan, an angel."

An angel? Seems legit.

"Oh, ah it's okay. I'm.... M....?" So my name starts with the letter M. I just said it out of nowhere. I looked at him because I just remembered something this quick. I might end up remembering everything in a day.

" haha it's okay. But it's good that you remember a letter. Let's try harder now."
" How?"
" We'll do the stuff that you used to do with someone in the human world. That way you can remember faster. Okay I'll start now..."
He leaned his face close to mine and I just stared at him with a confused face. The heck is he doing? I pushed him back and he had this disappointed expression. Well what am I suppose to do? You tried to kiss me just now.

" Uhm... What about trying another way?" I told him.
" alright fine." He laid down on the bed and just stared at the ceiling. Doing nothing at all. Well he looked really comfortable so I did the same. I plopped on the bed and oh my gash I can just sleep any moment now.

" So who is the big guy from earlier? He seemed like the king of this place." I asked him with full curiosity.
" He's my dad. And yea he is the king of Heaven. He knows every humans on the earth. And he knows what's gonna happen to them."
" ahh... So like.. God?"
" Yea pretty much. Is that what you call him in the human world?"
" Yea." My eyes were so tired they couldn't stay open anymore. I was so sleepy. I yawned and got underneath the sheets. My heart started beating really quick for some reason. Weird.

" I'm going to sleep Jeonghan. Goodnight." After saying those words, I slept. I heard a voice what seems like I really liked when I was alive. The voice was very soft.

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