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Harry's POV

I was walking down the hall with my mates when I saw her.

Niall, Liam, Louis, Chris and I were all walking to our next class when all a sudden I see Zoe come around the corner. And fucking shit I think I feel like I'm about to pass out.

She was walking towards my mates and I, it almost felt like slow motion. Her shirt was unbuttoned just the right amount and her hair was swaying back and forth. She wore a smirk on her face staring behind me. But I thought she was staring at me so I smirked back and was about to say something when she suddenly brushed past me hitting my shoulder hard.

"DAMN!" I hear Chris yell, I turned and smacked him in the head.

"Shut the fuck up" I raged, he coward down and nodded muttering a "sorry"

I turned to see Zoe walking up to Nash. He was smirking at her looking at her chest as she walked to him.

Anger bubbled in me I wanted to rip his fucking throat out. Guess we will just have to wait til next time.

Zoe's POV

I walked up to Nash saying a flirty
"Hi" kissing him on the cheek. I slightly turned seeing Harry red-faced angry, his friends pulled him back and they walked away. Ha, mission accomplished.

"Ready for English, love?" Nash smirked at me. I nodded then he grabbed my hand, it felt weird but I just went with it and followed him to English.

English went pretty fast today, Nash was talking to me the whole time which kinda annoyed me like a lot.

He and I were walking through the courtyard when I saw Harry come up to me.

"Hey Zoe, Nash." He says curtly. "Can I speak with you Zoe?"

I slowly nod looking at Nash, his jaw was clenched and nostrils flared. I nodded at him and walked away with Harry. Ugh this is literally a soap opera.

"Hey" I say quietly, "What's up?" looking down.

He sighed, "Zo, I thought I told you to stay away from him.." My heart skipped a beat when he said Zo. No, stop you can't think about him anymore like this. he's a jerk, a huge ass face. He kissed you then acted like you were nothing. He told you he felt things about you then completely ignored you. My face is probably red with anger. Who the hell does he think he is.

"Listen here asshole. I don't take orders from anyone especially someone like you." I rage, my hands making fists at my side. Knuckles turning white and ready to hit something.

He smirks and says "Your cute when your angry." The smug ass look on his face sets me off. I raise my hand and slap him square in the face. He held his hand on his face with a shocked look on his face. Then he did that annoying ass smirk again.

"Ouch." He whispered sarcastically.

"You're a complete jerk, never talk to me again." I say tears welling in my eyes a little. I angrily wipe them away, walking away back to my dorm not caring about Nash or anyone.

Harry's POV

Once I saw the tears in her eyes I instantly wanted to hold her and tell her how sorry I am and how much of a jerk I am. But those feeling were quickly pushed away when I thought about what would happen if she fell for me. I couldn't do that to her.

Zoe's POV

I have been in my dorm all night, thankfully Perrie was out with Zayn so I could be by myself. I was sitting on my bed reading trying to get my mind off of everything but I just couldn't. It is all too much. I know I'm probably over reacting but I've never felt like this before. I've never had boys want me, it's weird and I don't know how to deal with it.

I shut the book I'm reading, I walk over to my dresser and open the top drawer. I pull out a picture of my mom.

She was so beautiful, long shiny brown hair. Gorgeous dark brown eyes, smile so amazing it could cure diseases. My eyes start to well up again. I miss her so much.

"Why does this have to happen to me mom? God, I miss you.."

I collapse on my bed and start silently sobbing into my pillow. I just want to go home. I miss my dad and my dog. I miss California.

Suddenly the door open and someone shouts "Honey I'm home." I look up to see Perrie, she has a huge smile on her face until she sees me.

"Oh hon." she bolts over to my bed and hugs me tight, she doesn't say anything just holds me while I cry into her arms.

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