How to Fire A Gun

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"Frankie," Gerard groans when I start walking too fast. I can't help it, I see the car and I want to get to it as quickly as possible.

"Hurry up, Gerard. You can sit down in a moment, okay?"

"What's the point, the car hit a tree it's not going to run," Gerard says.

"There are a few tricks I've picked up in my life that would both surprise and repel you. One of those such things is hotwiring a car," I say.

"You can hotwire a car?" Gerard asks, sounding like a mixture of impressed and a little accusatory.

"Yes, well I'm very good at a lot of things. Just none of the things I'm good at are legal," I say. "Maybe someday I'll show you how to remove mattress tags."

"Is it bad that I find that hot?" Gerard questions.

I giggle, "If you find that hot than you and I may have been made for each other."

"I don't think it's just that that makes us made for each other," he says and then blushes.

It's kind of fun talking about this so freely with Gerard. I mean, obviously I've done some pretty shitty things in my life. I've stolen wallets, killed a few people, broken into a bunch of places, and done various other illegal activities, but it's nice to just talk about it. I at least haven't done anything really awful. I don't steal things that can't be replaced, or that are going to be really missed. I'm not the kind of person who'd steal a diamond ring, or a family heirloom. I would never steal a person's identity, and I would never actually kill someone for myself.

Being a contract killer is kind of a sensitive expertise because it's not something I'm proud to be good at. I am, I'm very good at it, but I don't like to be. I've got a good standing in my community, or at least I used to. Gerard doesn't judge me though, and I think that's one of the things that makes me so crazy about him. He knows who I am, flaws and all, but he accepts it. The way he's so willing to let it go makes me almost weep from happiness. He's honestly the most amazing human being I have ever met, and am likely to ever meet.

"Do you have any cell reception?" I ask looking at the nonexistent bars on my phone. Gerard shakes his head and I sigh.

It takes a little longer then I'd wish for us to get to the car, and I leave Gerard on the sidewalk a few feet away to make sure there's no one inside. When I see that our ambusher's car is sufficiently unoccupied I wave Gerard over. He eagerly clambers over and leans himself on the side of the car with exhaustion.

"Can I have that sweatshirt back for a moment, Gerard?" I ask him after peaking into the window. Gerard raises an eyebrow, but he shrugs the garment off and hands it to me a moment later.

I wrap the fabric around my fist then take aim at the window of the car. It shatters with ease, and I unravel the sweater handing it back to Gerard. He looks surprised at the sudden loud noise, but he doesn't question it. I get a hand on the interior handle of the car, and pull the driver's side door open in front of me.

"Oh, jackpot!" I say, looking into the backseat. It is though. There's a briefcase that I check the contents of and after opening it, I'm a little offended. Money. Lots and lots of money. Banks is paying these guys this much cash, when I got one third of this. Rude. There's also a big sniper rifle, which on any other day would probably make my jaw drop because it's one gorgeous piece of weaponry, but I just grab it, and thank the idiot assassins for already assembling it. There's a smaller revolver in there that I grab as well, and some documents that I make a reminder to look through if I get the time.

"Hey Gerard, would you maybe hold onto this for me," I say crawling out of the car. I see his eyes widen and I snort slightly at the fear he gets when I hold the huge gun out to him.

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