Noctis growled and blocked himself, yelling for you to get off, but when you didn't listen to even his threats, from behind his covered face, his eyes shot open, glowing a brilliant deep blue. A second passed until you heard a cabinet door behind you swing open, revealing a wooden cutlery holder that shook violently before the knives mixed within its contents flew up in the air, heading straight for you. They were at mid distance when you summoned your katana and used Noctis' chest as leverage when pushing yourself up with one hand, while, the other swung the weapon behind you as your body turned to face them.

Small clinks of metal upon metal filled the air, and when landing on the ground, you deflected a few more knives until your vision suddenly went dark. Taken aback, your katana clattered to the floor-along with the knives which were in midair-and Noctis' angry yell breaking through the room confirmed that the same blindness had occurred to him.

"Give me my sight back!"

"Not until the two of you learn to stand each other!" Jecht barked back. "I turn for five minutes and THIS is what I come back to!?"

"I'm at fault here too," Cloud sighed," I shouldn't have left them alone."


"SHUT UP!" Kadaj hissed. "I'm sick of your constant blabbing!"

Jecht muttered incoherently under his breath, then spoke louder. "Who started it?" As the group said Noctis in unison, he continued. "Caelum, apologize to her."

"How would they know?" the ravenette scoffed, blind eyes on the ground. "They weren't even here."

"You did start it though," you murmured, wiping your coffee stained hand on your jeans. "Last night you called me a liability, this morning you order me around, and all throughout practice you've been rude and-and I've put up with it... But I'm sick of it now!" you yelled blindly glaring in the direction his voice had come in. "You keep threatening me with you being a prince and all, but did your mind ever cross the fact that I'M a princess!?"

"Ah... Th-That's right you are...."

You scoffed, holding your hand out," Ryuu, could you help me up?"

Complying, the ravenette did so, and as you were pulled up, so was Noctis by Prompto. Your vision slowly returned, making you cringe from the lighting in the process and Jecht cleared his throat-everyone turning to him. "This ends now. You will all get along; nobody talks on the way there AT ALL."

Cloud frowned," That's a little-"

"AT. ALL."

Everyone was silent as Jecht checked out of the room, which, still had three days on it. Then, going across the street where the entrance to a subway station you hadn't noticed stood, you bought tickets for a ride to go further downtown; this being cheaper than taking a cab there. The station itself was structured identically to the one in Twilight Town, leaving you a little content at knowing where everything was.

As you waited behind the yellow line for the designated subway to come, you rocked back and forth on your heels, arm linked with Cloud, who, had been keeping you distanced from Noctis since you had left the hotel. He was always between the two of you, and as you boarded, he even shoved the ravenette out of the way to keep his spot behind you, sitting himself with you at a two person bench. Noctis sat at the one behind you with Vaan-who was listening to music-and tapped the blonde's shoulder angrily.

"Could you tell me why you had to shove me into that old woman!?" he hissed in a low whisper. "I nearly died when she noticed who I was!"

"Didn't stop you from harassing Amaya," the blonde innocently shrugged. "Besides, I've taken up position as her older brother."

[KH/FF] Treachery of Fate: Imperfect ImposterWhere stories live. Discover now