"So is that a yes?"

"Is what a yes?"

"You didn't deny that you were in love with me," Gerard says.

"I hate you."

"You're supposed to."

"How about that leaving? Why aren't you leaving?" Gerard asks.

"Coffee," Frank murmurs, pointing to the machine behind him. Gerard checks it to see that it's not done yet, but that Frank was merely referring to it as an answer.

"You could make your own," Gerard points out.

"But this way it's free and it comes with that bonus of annoying you, and I'm not going to turn up my nose at something that generates a lot of anger in you."

"Fuckhead," Gerard mutters. "I have, supposedly, ruined your life. I don't want to let you ruin mine, so I'm asking you to please, get the fuck out of my house."

"You can't seriously call this pigsty a house can you?"

"I will put a giant foot sized hole in your skull if you don't get out," Gerard says.

"Don't flatter yourself, your feet aren't above average in size in anyway. I would know," Frank replies.

"Stop avoiding what I'm trying to say, Frank! Get out if all you're going to do is sit there and insult me in my own... apartment place thing."

"I don't want to."

"Well why now?"

"Because," Frank starts, "never mind."

"Do I really need to repeat this? Because is not a fucking answer!"

"Because! Just because, Gerard. Because I'm afraid that if I leave right now, you're never going to talk to me again!"

"Oh and why on earth do you want to talk to me? You went ten years perfectly fine without talking to me, what makes now so different."

"Because ten years made it easy to forget how much you infuriate me."

"Why the fuck are you saying that as a defense? Like, if I infuriate you, wouldn't that mean that you'd want to leave?" Gerard asks.

"You don't get it, Gerard," Frank says, shaking his head.

"I don't? Then tell me! Explain it to me! If I don't get it than just tell me what it is I'm missing."

"You're probably not smart enough to understand what it is I'm trying to say."

"There you go again with the idiot insults," Gerard says, shaking his head, "Maybe in your apartment I'll let that fly, but this is my place. This is where I live, and if I say that I want you out, then you really can't argue with me. So, either stop telling me I'm dumb, or get the fuck out and don't come back!"

"I'm not calling you stupid because I want to insult you, I'm calling you stupid because you just are pretty damn stupid."

"Seriously? I will kick you out," Gerard says.

"Gerard, you are probably my least favorite person I've ever had the displeasure of being forced to interact with. Like, if I could, I would go back in time to when we used to be lab partners, and I'd punch you in the fucking face."

"And you're afraid of never talking to me again? You've totally lost me."

"I don't know, Gerard, okay? I just know that it scares me to think that you're the only person besides my own mother that I've known for my entire life, and it kind of terrifies me to think that we lost that, and now I realize that if all of that shit hadn't happened in second grade, you and I might've been best friends to this day."

When We're Both ThirtyWhere stories live. Discover now