Chapter 6

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Kennedy was in the bathroom touching up her makeup and Ashley was putting out appetizers. Kennedy's cell phone started to ring in her bed room, she put down her mascara, picked up her phone and answered.

"Hello" Kennedy spoke.

"Kennedy is that you?"

"Yes that is I, who is this?"

"It's sheriff Jen"

"Hi, why are you calling"

"I have some bad news, but I'd like to give it to you in person, I'm at the police station, can you come?" Jen spoke.

"Uh yeah I'll be right there" Kennedy slammed the phone on her dresser, and quickly grabbed a coat to cover up her slutty costume and headed for the door. Ashley interrupted her leaving though.

"Uh where are you going? The party is starting in 15 minutes people will be showing up anytime now" Ashley announced.

"Ashley it's important I have to go"

"Your blowing me off? Just tell me why you have to go"

"Sheriff Jen called me, I have to go now" Kennedy spoke and tried to push Ashley out of the way.

"Why" Ashley questioned.

"Ashley I dot know I will find out wen I get there, now get out of my way" Kennedy spazzed.

"Fine I'll take care o the party, but when will you be back?" Ashley asked.

"I don't know" Kennedy spoke as she left the house and ran to her car. Ashley rolled her eyes and closed the door as Kennedy drove to the police station. She pulled up to the police station and ran up the stairs, she broke a high heal while going up the stairs. "Ah crap" she spoke to herself as she ripped her shoes off and ran inside the building bare foot. She stopped for a second and realized  all the cops were staring at her. She didn't know why, as just walked towards sheriff Jens office. She opened the door.

"Kennedy have a seat please" Jen said.

"So what's the bad news" Kennedy asked.

Before I tell you, why do you look like a prostitute?" Jen asked.

"Oh that's why the cops were staring at me, I was at a Halloween party" Kennedy spoke as she took out her fake vangs.

"That makes more sense"

"So what's the bad news" Kennedy repeated.

"There was another dead body found" Jen mentioned.

"Was it torn to shreds or drained of blood?"

"Drained of blood this time" Jen spoke.

"Okay but how is that bad news?"

"The bad news is" Jen  hesitated for a minute "have you spoken to you're father lately?" She finished.

"Not sense Friday night why" Kennedy mentioned.

"The body that was found in the woods was you're father" Jen announced.

"What" Kennedy started to hyperventilate and get sweaty palms "it can't be" she added.

"We found his I.D on the body and we did some blood tests, it was positive" Jen explained it was Drew Parker, Kennedy's father, she didn't want to believe it but she knew it was true.

"Jen what am I supposed to do? I don't have anyone left, my mom died when I was 15, my dad is dead now, I don't have anyone left except you, you're like an auntie to me" Kennedy sobbed.

"Would you like to stay the night at my house tonight?" Jen offered.

"Yes please, I don't want to go back to the party" Kennedy cried. Jen walked her to her vehicle and drove Kennedy to her house and let her sleep on the couch.

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