Seven - Sieben - Raised Voices and Relatives

Start from the beginning

"I'm bringing in the bills yet you can't put food on the table when I come home!"

I was flooded with despair. Jared still hadn't got it through that thick, narcissistic skull and brain of his that I wasn't a fucking house wife.

"No, Jared, I'm baying the bills too and at least I'm earning it from a worth while job doing something that actually matters!" I was shooting daggers at him and he was sending them right back, "I'm running round saving lives and curing people while you sit as a desk and drink protein shakes like its going to make a freaking difference, let me tell you it hasn't."

"But I still expect a warm meal when I get home, you can't even do that."

"News flash Jared, men can cook too, work in a kitchen, and clean, its not all up to me!"

"But I'm tired after work! I have to deal with idiots all day, do you know how that feels!?"

I did, I had to deal with him in situations like this, every day. Days when he was a sexist asshole and he was too ignorant to change his mind. He lacked a sense of culture, he was way too sheltered just like his parents. I hadn't been too proud when his father was meters away from being one of those men who attacked Muslim men after nine-eleven, but thankfully the police turned up just before he made a pass at one. It was embarrassing, even that was an understatement. But so many people were ignorant to the real story and Jared could be incredibly thick, it never took him long to influenced into believing the most outrageous things.

"Jared, I came here as a kid and it's a little piece of the past I hold onto, I see if from a different light this time round and if it means going out late at night to enjoy it then so be it." I said calmly.

"But I never see you, you're always off walking somewhere."

"Its called exploring, exploring leads to understanding, understanding culture and beliefs, Berlin is a very liberal city, and understanding leads to accepting and I think to live happy, you have to accept." I fell back down into the pillows of our bed, falling quiet, "You never see me because you're always on that god damn laptop." I mumbled.

"But we can come back so many times, it doesn't cost that much babe, I'll bring you back."

"That defeats the whole point of a holiday, you're supposed to do it in the time you're given."

He sighed, looking down at the clean white sheets which were fresh as of last night.

"I just feel you're losing interest, like you've realised I may not be giving you what you need."

Had the penny finally dropped? After a year of being engaged had he realised that he had not done anything romantic of caring since he proposed? I couldn't believe my ears.

"I've been trying even more since the proposal but I just don't know what to do!"

"Right." I muttered, falling back onto the bed.

"What? Have you not noticed? Even coming on this damn trip is a way of keeping you happy." He spat.

"Oh so if you had the choice you wouldn't have come on this trip to spend time with your future in- laws?" It was sat bolt up right again, glaring him down.

"I wanted to give you some space, I trust you, I wanted to give you some time away before the big day, you know?"

"But, you've got to learn to spend time with my folks, I did with yours!"

"Grace, I just don't know what to do anymore." He sighed.

Is it bad when your fiancée acts like a teenage girl when its that time of month at the end of an argument? Normally, the guy would be pulling the crying girls towards him, cuddling and making it all better. In our case, it was the other way round. I sighed, defeated this time, I couldn't sulk with him for the whole of the holiday.

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