Bad Boy (Lukas X Jesse)

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To make it up for the sadd chappy...
How about we make Lukas the bad boy? :D

Jesse's POV.

Oh my god is he near me?

I ran around the corner and hid in a dark alley.

Once I was sure I'm safe, I let out a loud sigh and slid down the wall.

Just how many times do I have to run away from him?

Lukas is our neighborhood's bad boy. Always wearing black jackets, joining the Ocelots, looking cool and all. He's got a lot of girls, but why does he have to flirt with me all the time? I just drew attention from those girls and they were gossiping about me.

And as if today wasn't the same. He was hugging me in public, and kept saying things with a '~' behind it.

Of course I ran of embarrassment, and now I'm here.

"Jesse~ where are you~"

There it is again. That voice.

I held my breath as he was really close. One turn and he would have spotted me.

Finally, he walked away, and I sighed in relief.

"Ha, found you!"

Lukas suddenly appeared behind me. I gasped and turned around, almost bumping into him.

"Ack!" I yelped.

"Woah, hey there. Been searching all over for ya~"

I backed up and hit the wall. Ouch. I rubbed my head as he leaned in closer.

"Hurt yourself? Aww....c'mere, lemme tend the wound." He touched my head and pushed my head into his chest.

"Ow!what aref you doinf??" I mumbled.

"It's cold here. Thought you might need some warmth." He laughed a bit and let me go.

My cheeks were red as I said, "What are the girls gonna say about this..."

"Hmm?" He said.

"Nothing..." Seriously though, all the girls in the neighborhood are gonna hate me, just because Lukas keeps appearing next to me.

"Why are you so concerned about them?" Lukas placed both arms on the wall, trapping me. He then leaned forward, and I could feel his breath.

"U-Um...I-I..." I stammered. I was sooooo nervous!

"Well, since there must be people watching, why don't we do a surprise for them~" He said, then kissed me.

Wait...KISSED ME?!

I was so shocked that I didn't know how to react. But the kiss was so soft...ajd I actually enjoyed it. He stroked my hair, and not breaking apart from the kiss.

Few seconds later, we broke apart and gasped for air. I didn't look at him, because I was scared from what just happened.

"I'll do the talking to the girls. Believe me~" He winked towards the left, which led out screams and cheers.

I was still traumatized from the kiss, but Lukas looked like nothing happened. Then he threw his jacket to me and I caught it.

"This is for you. A souvenir from me~" He smirked, then walked away with a wave.

Normally, I would be disgusted by what he just done, but today...

I hugged the jacket and brought it back home. And ever since, my mind's been about him every single day.

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