Start from the beginning

"Finally! You know I aged just waiting for you to bring your  ass down here." My mother scolded shoving a lunch tin at me.

"Now hurry your ass up we have got to be heading out!" She carried on before giving my Islina a big fat kiss on the cheek causing her to giggle.

I rolled my eyes. Now i see why my father fell for her in the first place. She was feisty, Sassy, sarcastic and dramatic.

She was every black man's dream.
I quickly bid my siblings a goodbye before i  followed my mother out to her car.

I grumbled a few curse words. I hate school.

My mother dropped me off at school.Brooklyn came sprinting in my direction. She engulfed me in a hug and quickly removed her arms from me. Like i might contaminate her.

"Too much contact for the day." She grumbled with a frown.

I scoffed. This girl was weird.

She has been texting me non stop this weekend.

What about?

Oliver freaken Grant!
She used to have a crush on the Nigga and since the weekend they have been getting close. I wasn't interested in that because I knew she didn't even like Oliver. I'll tell you what I found interesting. The guy  who took her home.  Now that had  interesting all over it. 

"Morin bitch!" Kaitlyn sang.

I chuckled."Sup!"

Used to dislike Kaitlyn when Brooklyn introduced her to me. Don't hate!
It was all her  fault! She was jelouse of me because she thought I was stealing her best friend from her, hence Brook.

Bitch please!  It's not my fault I'm awesome!

I guess we were now cool but not entirely. I see the way she flirts when she talks to Jonah Miller in the hallways. Something is definitely fishy!

I'll have to deal with it maybe it was just my wild imagination. I mean she wouldn't do that to her said best friend right?

My eyes made contact with Isaiah's from across the soccer field, where we stood. I smiled at him. He returned it with one of his cute ones.

I guess I don't hate school that much.



The bell rang meaning the school day had begun. I cought site of Jonah Miller laughing away at something Carson whispered to him.

I smiled, I didn't know why I smiled, but it smiled non the less.

My heart began to weirdly warm up and I took a long deep breath.

This is how I always feel when I look at him. Like my chest is going to explode.

How can someone make such an impact on you without even trying, let alone knowing?

It's absurd!  That didn't stop my beating heart. It only made me hurt.

With all my strength I pealed my eyes off him and payed attention  to Aubrey's rambling about her mother's randomness.

Kaitlyn nudged me. "I saw that?"

I chuckled. "Whatever!  Story of my life."

She looked at me sympathetically and then it turned into determination. "I'm tired of this." She declared pushing me against my locker.
I was completely shocked by her actions. Lee-Ann and Aubrey chuckled with furrows eyebrows.

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