"I am not! I don't know, okay?! What do you want me to tell you? I do love her. I do. I also love Nick. I've been thinking about this for so long, you have no idea. What you have to go through with me over phone calls and texts is nothing compared to the storm in my head. I am going crazy because of this. How do you decide between two people anyway?"

"You choose the second one, because if the first one mattered you wouldn't look at the second one."

"What if the second one came long before the first one? If you have more history with them than with the real first one?"

"Can we like stop using code names? I'm getting lost and I was here since day one. I can't imagine how Mani feels."

"No I get it. Maybe you need a break? How about a lunch? Just four of us."

"Well, that hurts." A voice came from the door

All four of them turned around to see Claire leaning on the door frame.

"You bitch!" Normani yelled as she got up and walked over to hug the girl

"What are you doing here?"

"Really Lo? I pay for their tickets and this is how you welcome me? Ouch."

"You did all of this?" Lauren asked as she jumped from the bed

Claire only nodded and pulled the Latina into a tight hug. "I missed your stupid face, happy birthday princess."

"I missed you too."

Once the hug was over Claire punched Lauren in the shoulder.

"Oww, what's this for?"

"You missed your graduation party! And almost your birthday party."

"I'm sorry, okay? I told you I don't like graduations."

"Still don't understand why, what happened so badly at one you attended that-"

Claire was interrupted by Lucy clapping loudly. "So, lunch?"

Lauren looked at Lucy and smiled. "Te debo una." [I owe you one.]

"Más de uno, pero un abrazo es suficiente." [More than one, but a hug will do it.]

"Awww." Maritza cooed

"What are they saying?" Claire asked and Normani only shrugged

"Fuck me if I know."

"If you fuck me, I'll tell you." Maritza smirked at Normani

"Oh please, both of you are as straight as it gets."

"Unlike Lauren." Lucy mumbles to herself but it's loud enough for Normani to hear it and bite her tongue so she doesn't laugh


They eventually get ready for their lunch date, which takes them about an hour and a half because all of then are much bigger divas then they like to admit.

Except for the five of them the house is empty and Lauren can't help but wonder where the hell is the rest of Collins family, and Camila.

"So C, where are your brothers?"

"Can't tell you. They will meet us later though." Claire grins

"You're annoying."

"You love me and you know it."

"You know you love me, xoxo Gossip Girl." Maritza replied from her spot in front of the mirror

"Why did you have to bring her?"

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