Give Chara power? Ya because that's such a wonderful idea.

Man, why can't we be like those kingdoms where the son has to rule over. Asriel would have been king and I could live my life in peace without mom and dad making me do all these responsible royal duties.

"Anyway, before we stray of from the topic at hand." Toriel says. "We invited a prince from a neighboring kingdom to come over to the upcoming masquerade ball, and we would appreciate it if you would at least try to talk to him this time. Please?" Toriel requests.

"And don't chase him away with Snowball, again." Asgore says.

"That wasn't my fault last time! That last prince was making fun of my little snow poff." I turn Snowball around and pressed my nose against his as his tail wags. "He was a mean old princy wincy. Hurting my sweet little snow poff. Wasn't he Snowball? Yes he was, yes he was!" I cooed, smiling brightly.

He barked back happily.

"Although it was me those other times, but don't tell them Snow." I whisper as I winked at him.

I can see Asgore place a hand (Paw? Hoof since their goats? Idk.) on his forehead, then rubbing the bridge of his nose.

"Maybe we should discuss this later tonight at dinner with your brother and sister..." Asgore sighs.

"Just please make sure to at least talk to him. Alright my child?" Toriel requests.

"Alright mother. May I leave now?" I asked.

"Yes you may, my child. Just don't get into any trouble this time." Toriel nods.

"Thank you."

I bowed down before Undyne escorted me to my room.


"Ugh..!" I groaned loudly as I plopped down on my queen sized bed, face flat on a pillow and Snowball going to sleep on his doggy bed.

"Let me guess, mother and father told you about the prince that will be coming to the ball and are making you talk to him?" Chara asks as she was sited down and reading her book, not even looking up at me.

"Mhmm." My voice muffled out through the pillow.

"I'm suprised their still trying. This next prince is gonna be like, what? The eleventh one?" Asriel says, putting his own book down on his lap.

"Twelfth actually." I corrected, rolling around to face them both. "I just need a walk to clear my head."

I stood up and headed over to my walk-in closet. I began to rummage through the many arrays of fancy dresses and looked for something simple to wear while Chara and Asriel started to read again their books.

"Father will have your head if he finds out your going to sneak out of the castle again." She says.

"I know." I say, continuing to look through my piles of clothes.

"Why can't you just walk around the castle grounds? Like the garden, that place is really big with many fresh flowers, fresh air, and the gazebo near the fountain, there's also the garden hedge maze to get lost in, or just around the castle halls." Asriel suggests.

"Because we've been cooped up inside this castle for far too long. I would rather explore the village again." I say.

Soon I found the perfect clothes to wear. I took off my frilly dress and put on a more simpler and more comfortable purple one, black stockings, a pair of brown boots, and a caramel brown hood. I then came out of the room and quickly grabbed a basket and removed my crown, heading over to my door room.

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