Souls Full of Love (Pt. 2)

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Hey Reader-Chan!!!

Welp, here's part two!!!

Hope you all enjoy this chapie X3

Art does not belong to me. Credits to artist/s :3


Chara's POV

"You should have kept the scarf on yesterday."

"I didn't know this would happen, idiot."

"We could have easily gone back to the house for a quick second and grab a scarf for me instead."

"But that would have taken forever and... and... an-"

Frisk cut herself of as she let out a loud sneeze. I sighed as I reached for the tissue box that rested atop Frisk's drawers and handed it over to Frisk. She sat up and grabbed the box, wrapping her blanket around her, before she blew into a tissue.

"Is she any better?" Asgore says as he enters the room.

"Not really." I answer.

"I'm fine, jeez." Frisk retorts, wipping her nose.

"My child, why did you even consider going out into the cold without anything to keep you warm?" Asgore ask as he walks over to us.

"I thought this sweater was gonna be enough. Apparently not." She groaned, throwing the tissue into the trashcan next to her bed.

"To be fair, that sweater is thinner than a normal sweater." I say.

"Shut up. I never ment for this to happe... ha... ha- ACHOO!" She sneezed again.

"Bless you." I say, rubbing her back.

"Well it looks like your gonna have to stay in bed until you get better, my child." Asgore places a hand on her forehead. "Seems you have caught a fever as well."

"That's just great. What am I suppose to do for the whole day?" She huffs, crossing her arms.

"Rest of course. Not unless you want things to get worse." I say.

"Ugh. Fine." She lays back down, pulling her blanket over her as she mumbles curses in annoyance. "Well at least I have an excuse to not hang out with blueberry."

"Awww! My ship will sail again! Just you wait Frisk." I exclaim.

She pokes her head out of the blanket as she stuck her tongue out.

"You've been spending way to much time with that fish scientist friend of yours. Next thing you know, you'll be telling me that your 'ship' will never sink." She once again covers herself with her blanket.

"Because it never will!" I say.

"Just get out of here already." She replies.

I puffed my cheeks out as I turned around. Asgore follows right behind me as we walked towards the door of her room. We silently opened the door and closed the lights before carefully closing the door behind us.

"We can't leave the poor thing here alone. What do we do?" Asgore asks as we exited the room.

"That's right... we were suppose to help Queen Toriel with something today!" I realized.

"We can not bring her along with us if we wish for her to get better." He says. "But can we really leave her alone?"

I smiled brightly as a thought came into mind.

"I think I know just what to do."



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