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dinahdime is typing

no seriously, who are you?

y/n is typing


dinahdime is typing

how old are you?

y/n is typing


dinahdime is typing


dinahdime is typing

where you from?

y/n is typing

Why do you wanna know?

dinahdime is typing

just trying to get to know you damn

y/n is typing

well I don't feel comfortable answering those questions to someone I don't even know

dinahdime is typing

well that's why we're getting to know each other dumbass 😒

y/n is typing

you're a real asshole at times, you know that?

dinahdime is typing

I know 💁🏼

y/n is typing

fuck off

dinahdime is typing

nah, I like it here

y/n is typing

you're fucking annoying

dinahdime is typing

thanks bby 😘

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