"This is just, I don't think this is a fair trade. You get to make my brain rot away piece by piece until I'm nothing but a slobbering mess, and all I get is the chair?" Frank asks.


"This is just very unfair."

"You agreed," Gerard says.

"Oh my god this isn't happening," Frank says, shaking his head and looking like he's regretting his own birth. To be fair, that's not entirely inaccurate. Gerard brings up Netflix on the TV and listens to Frank making noises of discontent as loudly as he possibly can.

"You're acting like this is the end of the world, it's just a movie."

"It is the end of the world," Frank says.

"You agreed to put up with me, my flaws and all," Gerard says. "But I wouldn't really call this a flaw, it's a fairly good movie."

"You're delusional."

"You're cynical."

"At least I'm not the one who wants to watch a movie made for tweens. Female tweens."

"It's got a broader audience than that. It's practically a cult movie," Gerard says.

"Yeah, and you know what else is a cult? Satanism."

Gerard looks over at Frank while he finds the listing for the movie to give him a weird look before he's saying, "I don't think that Satanism really is a cult. I mean, I think the whole idea of a cult is the exclusivity, and anyone could be a Satanist."

"Don't rain on my metaphors, Gerard," Frank shouts. Gerard finally finds the movie and he presses play to open a loading screen.

"I'm just giving you the facts."

"The facts are stu-"

"Oh god shut up it's starting," Gerard squeaks at him.

"What are we going to miss out on? The fucking title sequence? Fuck, a Disney Channel original movie? This was never even in the fucking theater?"

"No, just shut up," Gerard says.

"Oh my god," Frank shakes his head. Gerard prepares himself for Frank's cynical narration of the entire movie. "Great so it's New Years Eve, what does that fucking matter?"

"It's part of the plot!" Gerard replies.

"Well I picked up on that much for myself, thanks," Frank says. "Starring Zac Efron, oh god here we go. Preparing for my mind to turn to goo."

"You're such a cynic. Go into this with an open mind," Gerard tells him, but Frank rolls his eyes. He's already sure he's going to be doing that a lot and it's not even a minute into the movie yet.

"Yeesh, so that guy looks better with time, doesn't he?" Frank asks, referring to Zac Efron who does indeed look a lot better nowadays than he did when this movie was made. "Man he looks like an awkward teenager."

"I mean, you looked like an awkward teenager too," Gerard notes, "hell, if I had met you when you were a teenager I wouldn't have given you a second glance."

"I don't appreciate that, asshole," Frank replies, whacking Gerard over the head which makes him smile back in return. "Should never have showed you my old yearbook."

Frank is quiet for all of another ten seconds before he's jabbering away again, and Gerard is seriously going to whack him in the nose if he doesn't shut up soon. "Wait, are they at like a ski resort? Are these people loaded as fuck? Who goes to a fucking ski resort, what? If you're going on vacation, at least go for something cool like fucking Vegas or something."

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