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" what have you been up to Ace" Gabby asked helping me get my books, it was the end of the day I was finally going home. My mom texted me earlier saying we are living with my father now, it's a good thing then it's a bad thing, he did miss half my life well my whole entire life.

" you know the usual, I know my father" I told her rubbing my hand through my hair.

" really that's great, I've remember you always wanted to see h-"

" yeah Gabbs but it's a little too late for all that" I told her writing my number down on a piece of paper giving it to her.

" look it's never too late A-" I cut her off putting my hand up as Kash walked up to us I mentally roller my eyes, I still can't stand him for the hell he put me through.

" I don't wanna talk about it, that's my number call me" I said walking away, going outside waiting for whoever coming to pick me up.

" Alicia I know you saw my ass standing there" Kash yelled running behind me, I folded my arms as Ashely walked over as well.

" you have your troll running behind you,get away from me" I said walking away, I saw my dad in his Bentley waiting on me.

" bitch whose a troll" Ashely yelled, yanking my hair. I whimper in pain, trying to pull her off me.

" Ashely get yo ass off her" I heard Sas say, taking her off me. I was embarrassed, terrified.

My dad came running up to me, yanking her by her hair. I didn't know he was this violent, I never witnessed a man putting his hands on girl.

" S-stop take me home" I mumbled, walking to the car.

" I told you not to fuck with my daughta'
I got some for your ass when you come to the house" he told her rushing to the car.

" you straight " he asked not looking at me, I knew he was embarrassed mainly because I couldn't fight my own battles. I'm just tired, very tired.

I didn't say anything looking out the window, too much was raising through my head, I wanna be happy and I had to make myself happy, especially not with my insecurities. My insecurities always got the best of me.

We pulled up to the house as I hopped out as my father called my name.

" your going to the boxing range, in the morning " he said walking passed, I felt like he was disgusted by me.

" hey baby how was school" my mom asked smiling in my face, I rolled my eyes, I don't have hatred towards her I just don't wanna deal with her shit.

" fine" I said walking around the house as I noticed Kash and Sas in the living room.

" why are you both here" I asked pointing.

" I invited them, I told them to look out for you a-" my dad said, I walked away going in my room. I don't need bodyguards, I can handle my damn self.

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Short chapter.

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