Chapter 12

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His scent keeps fading then coming back. It was confusing me. We stopped and I looked around. I hope my senses aren't playing a game with me. We need to find me before the worst happens. 

"Ahhh." I leaned against the tree holding my stomach. 

I felt the tears run down face. Why are they hurting him? I leaned against Calum as we kept on tracking. 

"Ash, we have company." We all looked back as one of the warriors spoke. 

There were wolves surrounding us. I swallowed hard. I hope we don't have to fight. One shifted. I'm guessing he's the Alpha. Then a female. She's the Luna? 

"May I ask why are you on my land." The Alpha spoke. 

I sharp pain hit my side. I cried out hanging onto Calum. The Luna ran over to me. I was sweating and my body ached. I was feeling dizzy. I don't remembered what happened after that. 

I flickered my eyes opened to see a blue eyes scanning my face. I moved so quickly that fell off the bed I was on. 

"No need to fear me. I'm just checking up on you. Alpha orders." She smiled. 

"Where am I. Where are my friends. My sister?" I asked looking around. 

"Calm down. They are in the main room." She held her hands up. "You blacked out." 

"I did?" Then I remembered. 

I stood and walked to the bed. I sighed. I'm glad the pain stopped. Well guess what. I spoke too soon. I screamed and fell to the ground. This was a different kind of pain. The screamed as a pool blood formed on my shirt. I lifted up my shirt and there was deep cut. I began to shake. I need to find Luke. 

"I need to find him." I coughed. "My mate." 

I stood and stumbled to the door as it was kicked opened. Everyone stood in shock and fear. My sister buried her face into Michael chest. I could barely stand but I needed to find my mate. 


Luke's POV 

It's been days sense my brother took me. I didn't know where I was but I know my brother was being tortured too. Stupid bitch. That's what he gets. When the men would come in they would bring anything in to torture us with. I cried knowing Phoebe felt it too. She doesn't deserve this. I knew they were looking for me. I didn't want them too. These hunters will kill them. A slow cruel death. I don't know how many times I blacked out. I died once but they brought me back to life. Why didn't they let me die. I know what they want me to do, but I'll never do it. I told Ice no matter what. Never to shift. These people can't know our kind exists. 

"I'm so sorry bro." My brother coughed up blood. 

He was laying the far corner away from me. 

"They said that if I brought you that'd let my mate go. She's only human but instead they lied and ki-killed her." He cried. 

I rolled my eyes. I don't care. I know this sounds heartless but I don't. He took me to save his mate which was dead by the time we got here. The door opened the man throw water on me and my brother. That's there way of keeping us hydrated. Throwing fucking water on us. He shut the door. I needed to get out of here. I need to escape. I wanted to contact Calum but I'm too weak. They would stab me with silver to keep me weak. I closed and thought of Phoebe. Her smile. Her laugh. Her eyes. I missed her so much. The door opened again. 

"Dinner time." One man walked over to me while the other one went my brother. 

I'm not eating whatever that is. They would always try to force feed me but I would spit it back into their faces. He grabbed my face pinching my cheeks so that my mouth would open. He shoved the food into my mouth and cover it so I couldn't spit it out. I had no choice but to swallow it. Whatever is it tasted like shit. What is this? Cat food? After what seemed like thirty minutes of force feeding me they walked out. I began to throw up because I couldn't stomach the food. I moved away from the vomit. I leaned against the wall. My thoughts went back to Phoebe. How is she holding up. Did the marks and cuts show up on her body? How much pain is she in? I drifted off to sleep with the questions on my mind. 

I woke up to a kick to my side. I groaned in pain. Here comes the torture. He picked me up by my shirt and throw me to the ground. What was the point in that? I just laid there. He sent another kick to my side. This time I coughed up blood. I blacked out not knowing what happened next. 

"AHHHHH!!" I screamed as burning metal hit my skin. 

Tears ran down my face. Just kill me already. I cried even harder for the fact that Phoebe felt it. 

"Why don't you fight back!" He kicked me in my side making me roll over. 

I groaned not wanting to even sit up. The door opened and telling me he left. I heard my brother sniff. He better not be crying for me. I sat up leaning against the wall. I turned my head to see his leg bleeding. I hate my brother but I still care. Kinda. I closed my eyes going back to my happy place. Phoebe. She's the reason my I didn't kill myself yet. She's the reason why I'm putting up a fight, without physically fighting. She's my heart beat. I looked up at the barred window just as a crow flew in. If I can break those bars I can escape this hell. I stood and pulled as hard as I could on the bar. The door swung open I saw shot. With a tranquilizer. I fell to the ground my body went numb. 

"You can't escape us." Was the last thing I heard. 


Phoebe's POV  

I woke up back in the bed again. My cut on my stomach was sewed up. I stood grabbing the shirt on the chair and the pants. I got dressed. Enough of this. I'm going to find Luke. I walked out to find my friends. 

"Come on. We're leaving." I said. "Where's my stuff." 


Poor Luke. Will they ever find Luke? Is the Alpha and his pack going to help them? Keep reading to find out!! If you are enjoying this please ↓↓ 

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