Chapter 11

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Getting dressed I heard Luke growl. I got dressed before me and left after we were done taking a bath. I didn't like the way he growled so I went down to see what it was all about. 

Phoebe, I have a bad feeling about this. Tayla worried voice popped up. 

I know, but I don't like the t sound of our mates growl. I sighed. 

I hurried down stairs to see a man who looked just like Luke. I stared at him and back at Luke who was angry as ever. 

"This must be your mate, little bro." The guy walked over to me. 

He reached his hand out to touch me but I moved. 

"Don't touch me." I growled. 

"Ohh, feisty." He chucked. 

"Jack, what are you doing here." Luke growled. 

"Just came to visit my little bro." Jack patted Luke on the back. 

"After all these years. What's the catch." Luke gritted. 

"A warning. Hunters are here, not just normal hunters." Jack said. "They already got Ben mom and dad." 

I hugged Luke right when he said that. I didn't like the feelings I was getting off of him. Luke wrapped his arms around me. He cried into my neck. I felt his tears run down my neck. 

"Let it all out." I rubbed his back. 

Luke still loved his family even if they did abandoned him. 

"I need a hug too." Jack pouted. 

"Mine." Luke made a low possessive growled. 

I swear he's bipolar. But it made me smile when he said that. Jack nodded his head. 

"Phoebe, it's mom." Lilac ran out with a slight smile on her face. 

I ripped myself from Luke's arms and ran for it. I was kinda confused on why Lilac had a smile on her face. I turned the corner sharp almost slipping. I got to her room and she was sitting up. She has more color in her skin. Her eyes are brighter. I'm confused. 

"Sweetie." She smiled and got up. 

"Mom? How can this be?" I asked so confused at this moment. 

"Hun, you should be resting." I looked to see the doctor walking in. 

Hun? What is going on? 

"Sweetie meet Brady. My new mate." I choked on my spit as she said that. 

"What? no wait How?" I asked. 

"The Tiger Goddess sweetie. Only every hundred years the Tiger Goddess brings one another mate." My mom explained. 

"Well, thank you Tiger Goddess." I smiled hugging my mom. 

"I may not be your biological father but please call me dad." He searched my eyes. 

"I'll think about" I laughed and hugged him too. 

I walked out to find Luke to tell him the good news but he was nowhere to be seen. I felt a sharp pain in my chest. I fell to the ground screaming in pain. The last thing I saw were my Emerald green eyes which belonged to a Tiger. My sister. I woke up in the bed. Calum was pacing back and forth. I went to sit up but feel back down in pain. 

"Phoebe." He looked like he has been crying. 

"Where's Luke." I coughed. 

"We don't know. We believe his brother took him." Calum sighed. 

Alpha Luke | Luke H. FanficМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя