Chapter 5

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"Mom, he's impossible. Why can't he just understand." I complained as I flopped down on her bed. 

"Sweetie, try coming from his point of view." My mom yawned. 

"I can't. His point of view is me leaving my pack and going with him. I can't just leave you guys." I sighed. "Not with you being sick and all." 

"Sweets, He's your mate and you're making ......" 

"You're on his side! WHY!" I shouted standing. 

"Because I want grand kids before I die." My mom coughed. 

"You're not going to die." I shook my head fighting the tears that forced to come out. 

"Phoebe..." My mom's voice was low. "Just go talk to him." 

"Talking with him turns into arguing and then someone gets hurt." I walked out. 

I walked into my room and Luke was laying in my bed shirtless flipping through the tv. I walked into my closet leaving the door open to he can watch. I took my shirt off my back facing him and I could feel his blue eyes on me. I unclasped my bra. I grabbed a night shirt that went to my knees. I took off my pants leaving me in nothing but that. I turned and smirked at him. I climbed into my bed settling in next to him. I laid down facing him. His gaze never left the tv. I poked his cheek. 

"We need to talk." I kept poking him. 

"About?" He grabbed my hand and rested it on his chest. 

"Us." I mumbled and got his attention. 

He raised his brows and looked at me. 

"There's not to talk about it, you're leaving with me. Tomorrow. Or I'll just take you in your sleep." He was serious. 

"But I don't wanna go with you, Luke....Yes. You're my mate, I'm your mate but I can't just up and leave. They need me." I sighed. 

"Phoebe, I understand that but I don't want you here. I need you with me. You can rule my pack with me. We'll be powerful." He smiled thinking about it. 

"It's not about power." I rolled over not facing him. "It's about love." 

"Phoebe, I can't love you." Luke says. 

"Leave.'' I sat up. "Get out! I don't even want to see you face right.....What do you mean you can't love me! DAMN IT! I'M YOUR MATE!" 

"I don't want to talk about it." He sighed getting up and leaving. 

By leaving I mean he and his men left. I felt it. My heart ached. Tayla cried out for Ice. Something didn't seem right. Why can't he love me? He wanted me to go with him but instead he left me here. I stayed up all night. I heard Lilac crying. She didn't even want to see me. 

I went into the one place where I didn't want to go. My dad's office. The Alpha's office. I opened the door. Somewhere here must explain why Luke can't love me. I froze. It's not that he can't. It's that he won't love me. Something was making him act out. 

I went through draws and draws. I couldn't find his file anywhere. Did he take it? Damn it! Going back to room I got dressed. I didn't care if was raining. I'm going to get my mate back. I decided to walk. It gave me time to think. I was going to be soaked when I got there but oh well. 

What's keeping him from loving me? 

I sighed as I walked up to his pack house front door. I went to knock on the door but it opened. The light brown curly haired dude. 

"Phoebe?" He looked shocked. 

"Yes." I walked in. 

People stared at me. I got rude and mean glazes. Someone even flicked me off. 

"Where is he?" I asked. 

"In his office, he hasn't left it ever since he came home." He looked down. "Whoever enters gets yelled at and punished." 

"Okay, what's you're name?" I asked him. 

"Ashton, but please call me Ash." He smiled. 

"Okay...Ash. Take me to his office." I said taking off my coat. 

He took it and hung it on the rack that near the door. He lead me through the house up stairs to Luke's office. He stepped back. I opened the door. He didn't yell. He just stared at me like I was a ghost. 

"It's not that you can't love me. It's that you won't love me." I let out a deep sigh. 

"What are you doing here?" Luke asked. 

"I'm here for you. For Us." I walked over to him. "No matter what, Luke. We're mates. We were made for each other." 

"I don't care...Leave Phoebe." He stood walking to the door. 

"First you wanted me here, now you don't. Why?" I asked sitting my wet ass in his chair. 

"Seriously." Luke groaned. 

I looked down at his desk. No way! He did take it! I looked up at him. 

"Why did you take it?" I asked. "Are you hiding something from me?" 

"I don't want to go through this." Luke walked over to me. 

"Oh, we're going too. If not today, then tomorrow, if not tomorrow then the next day. Until you feel the way I feel about you." I stood and walked out. 

I did love him, my heart, my body, my soul belongs to him. That's just the way it is. It broke my heart that he didn't want to feel the same. I grabbed my soaked coat. 

"I'll be back later day." I walked out. 

I got home and changed into clean non-wet clothes. Once I hit my bed was out cold. I woke up to screams. What? 

"You can't just walk in here like you own this place!" A female shouted. 

I opened my door and saw Luke arguing with an old lady. She was brave. I rubbed my eyes still wanting to sleep. I walked over to them. 

"I'll take it from here." I assured her. 

"You better. I don't care if he is Alpha Luke. I'll give him a good beat down." She waved her fist as she walked away. 

"What is it?" I yawned. 

"Sorry to wake you but I needed to see you." Luke's eyes searched mine. 


Is this the turning point in their relationship? Will Luke open up? 

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