Chapter 17

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I don't what happened. I woke in the bed. I felt sore. Luke was staring out the window as the rain. I felt his worry. I knew he has been crying. I don't know how but I knew. 

"Luke." I sat up. 

"No, No. Lay back down." He rushed over to me. 

I did as he said. My stomach was huge. How long was I out? 

"Luke, how long was I out for?" I asked him not really wanting him to answer. 

"A few weeks, I don't know. I stopped counting and started praying." He moved my hair out of face. 

The doctor walked in pushed the ultrasound in. He hook it up getting everything situated. 

"Happy to see that you are awake, Luke was going crazy." My new dad laughed. 

"You would do the same if your pregnant mate did....Just forget about it." Luke grumbled. 

I laid back and relaxed. He the gel on my stomach and placed the probe right it the center of my stomach. I looked at the screen and saw two little healthy babies. Brady's face dropped. Out of nowhere nurses rushed in. Luke looked at the doctor. 

"We have to get the babies out now, or one will die." Brady spoke. 

My heart dropped. What? I was so confused. I felt tears fall from eyes. I didn't even know I was crying. 

"Luke, I need you to undress her, only put a loose shirt on her." Brady said and Luke nodded. 

Brady left and Luke undressed me with speed. I was lost in my thoughts. What if something went wrong. What if one of my babies died. DO you even have a room for them? What are their going to be? 

"Phoebe, calm down." Luke touched my cheek. "Everything is going to be okay." 

Brady came back in with my mom and supplies. He pulled out a needle and put some random liquid in it. 

"It's not going to hurt the baby but since we have to cut your stomach open...this will numb your body and keep you from healing so fast." Brady stuck me with the needle. 

I felt more numb than before. I watched as everything went down. I heard Luke growled and my telling him to shut up. Luke was right beside me. I blacked out. I woke up to crying and someone poking me it face. My eyes flicker opened and Luke was a holding a little baby wrapped in a light blue blanket. A boy. I looked around to see Lilac holding a baby wrapped in pink. A girl. I smiled. 

"Your mommy is awake." Lilac bounced the baby. 

"Did you guys name them yet?" I asked sitting up. 

My body was completely healed. 

"No, Luke wanted to wait for you." Lilac smiled. "But she looked like a Phoenix." 

"Phoenix Hemmings? Really?" I laughed. 

"Okay maybe not that name." She handed me my little girl. 

Journey Bea Hemmings. Tayla said. She's so beautiful. 

Yes she is, and stop disappearing on me. I told her. 

Okay, mom. Tayla laughed. 

"Journey Bea Hemmings." I smiled. "Tayla came up with the name." 

"I like it." Luke smiled. "Jordan Robert Hemmings." 

"Just had to put your middle name in there." I laughed. 

"The boys want to come in." Lilac spoke. 

"Let them in." I said. 

"We finished the room." Calum said. 

"Awe, she's so cute." Ashton smiled. 

"Where are your mates?" I asked them. 

"Well my mate is right here." Michael pulled Lilac into his arms. 

"They are actually scared to be honest. I told them they you wouldn't mind but..." I waved my hand cutting Calum off. 

"Bring them in." I spoke clearly. 

He nodded and left. He came back in with him and Ashton's mates. 

"Names?" I asked them. 

"Allyson but call me Ally." The girl next to Calum said. 

"Mariah." The girl next to Ashton spoke. 

Her head was down. I rolled my eyes. 

"You don't need to fear me, I can't hurt you." I laughed. 

"You can't?" Mariah spoke. 

"No, I can't. You do something bad." I said. 

"You touch my mate I will..." Ashton was cut off by Luke. 

"You will what?" Luke spoke. He was no longer friendly. His Alpha side showed. 

"You will respect your Tigeress. Now leave." Luke growled. 

"Whatever." Ashton took his mate and left. 

It's only been a week and I was already tired of those twins. I just wanted to rest but they wouldn't stop crying. I didn't know why either until the attack happened. My mom took the twins down into the safe tunnels with her mate and the rest of pack. Me and Lilac stood by each other. The barrier didn't hold like we thought it would. 

I was fighting off one hunter until I saw it. Luke got stabbed in the chest. I fell to the ground. Everything happened in slow motion. Every single hunter dropped dead. The wind picked up. Lightning strikes went across the sky. I stood and slowly walked over to Luke. He lost his color. I kneel down next to him. He was bleeding out of mouth. I placed my hand over his wound. Tears falling from eyes. I took in a deep breath. It took all my strength to heal him. The dagger he was stabbed with was laced with poison, deadly poison. 

"Phoebe." Luke grabbed me as I fell back. 

I felt dizzy. I also could feel how worried Luke was. I was fine but just out of energy. He leaned in and kissed my neck where his mark is. I felt a jolt of energy. Why did he do that. This isn't the energy I wanted. I smashed my lips against his. He pulled away and grabbed my face. 

"Calm down." His eyes searched mine. 

I took a deep breathe. I'm okay. I heard a faint cry. My baby. I guess Luke heard it too because took off running. Luke let out a huge growl when he saw that hunters cornered my mom and the servants. Brady was on the floor bleeding. I ran to him and touched him. He healed quickly. 

"Why hello Luke, long time no see." Luke stepped back. 

"Ben?" Luke voice was low. "But why?" 


I was going to end the book with this chapter but I decided to take another route with it. Haha, enjoy the cliff hanger. I would really love to see this fanfiction in the Popular Fanfiction place, here on Wattpad. If you enjoyed it please  ↓↓ 

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