Chapter 8-Revealed

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~Chapter 8-Revealed~
🐶Your Pov🐶
Today was the day that I was gonna tell only my friends that I'm Mystic Wolf but Wiffa thinks that is a very bad idea.

🐱Adrien's Pov🐱
Today was the day that I was gonna tell only my friends that I'm Cat Noir but Plagg thinks that is a very bad idea.

🐞Marinette's Pov🐞
Today was the day that I was gonna tell only my friends that I'm Ladybug but Tikki thinks that is a very bad idea.

🐶Your Pov🐶
But I would have to do that after school because it would be heard by everyone else.While I was walking I saw Marinette and Adrien so I ran up to them and asked. "Hey guys can I tell you guys something after school?"
"Yeah sure I want to tell you guys something." They both replied in unison.

So we all went to class and waited until it was time to go home.

~Few Classes Later~

🐶Your Pov🐶
It was finally home time and I decided that we all should go to my place and tell each other what we all have to say.

When we were all at my place and in my bedroom we suddenly all said in unison.
"I'm Mystic Wolf!"
"I'm Cat Noir!"
"I'm Ladybug!"
And then we all noticed that we were all the superheroes.
"I can't believe that my friends are the superheroes!!!" I cried out and hugged my friends and they hugged me back.

When they went home I thought in my head 'My friends are actually the superheroes just like me!' And then I fell asleep with tons of happy thoughts.
There you go guys here it is!I hope you guys enjoy it and I might be saying a lot of thank yous at the end of each chapter but yeah that's about it and bye my Fantasy Enchantresses and Enchanters!Oh and I'm sorry that this was a short chapter because I didn't have a lot of ideas in this chapter but I hope that the next one will be longer!
-FantasyEnchantress ^ u ^

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