"How old are you Kyle," Suho hyung said.
"Ohhh.... I'm 17 years old" She said. She's young.
"Ok," Lay hyung said.


(Jin P.O.V) -At the dorm-

"Guys! Let's eat now!!" I yelled.
"Ok coming!" They said.[OMG! that sounds so weird XD]

"Wow~ it's looked good," Taehyung said.
"Ok let's eat," I said.
"Hyung.." Jungkook said.
"Hmm?" I said.
"When you left me at the other house....I heard Kyle talking to someone...and I hears her said 'I love you too' and 'I miss you' then she said It was her mom" Jungkook said. All of us almost spill the food from our mouth.

"A*cough* what?! *cough*," Jimin said.
"It's true I heard her! And I don't think I was her mom" Jungkook said.
"Who do you think she's talking to?" I said.

"I think she's talking to her........boyfriend but I wish she doesn't have a boyfriend," He said.
"Yeah...us too" We all said.


(Sehun P.O.V) -At the Sm ent,practice room-

When the door open.....I saw her......Song..(Y/N)....I was so shock. Kyle was (Y/N).

Me and the others watch them practicing....He even almost kiss her but good she move her head.

"Kyle! We have to go now!" We heard someone.
"Ok" (Y/N) said. And about to go out.
"Wait!!" I said.
"Yes?" She said.

"I told you that I will buy you something right," I said.
"Oh..yes...come on," She said.
And I stood up and we went out side together.
"So what do you want?" I said.

"Hmmm....how about a Bubble tea?" She said. Hahaha, she loves bubble tea too.
"Hahaha ok," I said. Then we saw our manager.
"Where do you two think you're going," Manager hyung said.

"We are going to buy some bubble tea" (Y/N) said.
"Ok...but make sure no one will know it's you Sehun, we don't want them to have rumors" Manager hyung add.

"Ne~ Ne~" I said.
"Ok put some mask," Hannah noona said.
"Ok ok," Kyle said.
"Bye!" I said and hold (Y/N)'s hand.


(Your P.O.V) -At the Bubble tea shop with Sehun-

"What do you want to get" Sehun said.
"Strawberry bubble tea please," I said. [If you don't like strawberry change it]

"Ok,Can I have Chocolate and Strawberry bubble tea please" He said.
"Ok, sir," The worker said.
"Ok, let's find some to sit," he said.
"Ok," I said.

"So how was training," he said.
"It's fine," I said.
"I see..." He said.
"Who is your bias in EXO," He said.

"W-Well...I don't have one because all of you are good and handsome" I said. I blush when I said handsome.
"Ohh..." He said.
"Ok, here is your bubble tea sir and ma'am," Said the worker.

"Thanks," We both said.
"You love bubble just like me," He said.
"Yeah.." I said. Then I got a text from my brother.

Mystupidhyung: Where are you?

You: Bubble tea shop...why?

Mystupidhyung: Who are you with?

You: Hmm...my friend?

Mystupidhyung: Are you sure? Or are you dating someone

You: W-what??!! No, I'm not!!

Mystupidhyung: Ok that's what you said.

You: Whatever bye.

Mystupidhyung: Ok bye.

"Who are you texting to?" O heard Sehun said.
"A-Ahh...I was texting my mom" I said.
"Oh...ok," He said.

"Do you have a brother or a sister?" He said. I almost spill the bubble tea but I don't want to.

"Hey! Are you ok" He said and he wiped some bubble tea from my lips.
"I-I sorry about that," He said.
"Y-Yeah I'm fine" I said.

(Your brother P.O.V)

"Yeah...sure you are not dating someone.." I mumble. I watch them away from the bubble tea. Then I saw the guy wiped something on her lips.

You can say that i'm stalking my sister and i'm only care about her. But I think the guy is nice....I think...


Hi guys!!! Sorry for some miss spell and gramar.

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