Chapter 39: Avoiding You

Start from the beginning

I neared him and grabbed his hand to take away the kunai but he suddenly woke up, placing the weapon against my neck. I stayed still and Sasuke looked at me confused as if he didn't know what to do.

"Sasuke, it's me, let go of it." I told him and he retired the kunai from my throat.

"Sorry." He excused himself. "Fuck, don't wake me up like that, dobe." He told me.

"Why didn't you go back inside to sleep?" I asked him.

"You snore." He replied annoyingly.

"Why are you angry?!" I almost shouted.

"Why do you think?!" He said. "You've used me!"

"I didn't use you, you told me you'd help me."

"I didn't say I was going to help you, I told you I'd show you how to kiss in theory and you kissed me, I thought you wanted something with me!"

"How was I going to want something with you, Sasuke? You're a guy and on top of that, you know I like Sakura." I told him. "What's wrong with you?"

"What's wrong is that I was also convinced that I liked girls." He told me. "But I fell in love with you, I couldn't avoid it. I don't like that you use me so you can later on go with Sakura."

"Are you sick in the head?" I asked him, unbelieving. "We're friends, Sasuke, you're my best friend. You think I'm going to buy that story that you're in love? You're an Uchiha, you don't like guys."

"I don't know, why would I let you fuck me if I didn't feel anything for you?" He asked.

"I like Sakura." I stated.

"You think I don't know that? You repeat it all the time and I'm sick of hearing you say it! I'm sick of you defending that whore!" He told me angrily and I felt his hand grab my member, I couldn't help but moan. "You see that, Naruto? It could be that you don't like guys but this was mine last night, you were mine, now leave and leave me in peace, Naruto." He said, letting go of me.

"I thought you wanted to help me."

"Have I not helped you enough?" He asked me. "I've let you fuck me so you wouldn't ridicule yourself with your friend, now you help me." He told me.

"What do you want?"

"I want you to let me leave."

"Why do you want to leave the village?"

"Because I can't stand seeing you with her." he responded. "Because I can't stand seeing the people who threw my brother away, branding him a traitor, because I can't stand that everyone wants to kill me when I'm there, let me leave." He told me.

"What's keeping you from leaving?"

"You. Because as soon as I try leaving, you'll return to following after me, you'll want to bring me back again because you promised that bitch you would and you love her so much that you'd do anything for her. I don't want you to follow me and for you not to do it, I'd have to kill you... and I can't do that. I love you too much."

"I can't let you leave." I told him. "I'm sorry, Sasuke, but I can't let you."

"Then don't ever touch me again, go back to your girl and leave me alone because now, I can't stand seeing you."

"Sasuke... I'm not gay." I clarified. "I'm sorry, okay? I don't know what to tell you or what to do with you now, I lament that last night confused you."

"Just leave it, Naruto. I can see clearly that you feel weird being here with me, leave."

I got out of there quickly because I couldn't believe Sasuke had let out all of that. He loved me? Since when does an Uchiha fall in love with a guy? He was supposed to be my best friend. Did he insult Sakura because he was jealous? Did he seriously throw that kunai at her face from jealousy? I only had one thing clear now and that was that I did not like guys and in reality, I thought I had it very clear because last night I had enjoyed going inside Sasuke. Fuck! What the hell was happening to me? I wasn't like this, I wasn't like Sasuke, I liked Sakura!

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