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Jason's POV

I swing open the door, holding my gun up for self defence. I have no idea how dangerous 'The Indispensable' could be.
But then I see her.
I know it's her, I can tell.

She's so beautiful. So scared. So fragile.

"Please! Just kill me now!" She begs, tears streaming down her cheeks.
There's no way I'm going to kill her, we need her.
"Hey, I'm not going to hurt you" I say reassuringly, as I lower my gun.
I walk over to her, unsure whether she believes me or not.
I kneel down beside her and she flinches as I gently place my hand on her shoulder, lifting down my hood.
"My name's Jason, and you need to come with me. All those people down there, they want to capture you" I say, deciding to play the nice guy, this should get her to want to come with us.
"W-why" She asks me, her voice trembling.
"I'll tell you later, we don't have much time" I say, hoping to avoid the question.

Arabella's POV

He's so gentle. He's being so nice...  I can't trust him though.
But it's not like I have anything more to loose.
If I don't go with him, I will die.
If I do go with him, I might die.
And he's really fucking hot.

"O-okay" I say eventually, still not entirely trusting him.
"Quickly" he says, as he grabs my hand and leads me out of my room.
We run down the stairs, out of the back door, and into his big black truck.

I can't believe I'm trusting this guy

I watch as the rest of the people who got out of the truck earlier, get in.
The second the doors close, Jason slams his foot down and we speed off.
It's slightly awkward, because everyone's silent, and it's just Jason and I in the front.

His big brown eyes are breathtaking. His face is flawless. I would probably cut myself if I touched that jawline.

"Where are we going?" I ask nervously, to break the silence.
"Shut up you" He snaps.
I'm shocked at his sudden change of tone ...was he only being nice before to get me to go with him.

I'm so stupid. I'm going to die.

Jason's POV

I feel slightly bad for snapping at her now, she looks hurt.
I can't be nice to her though. What if she starts to like me. I can't like her.
"So ... uh ... what's your name" I ask, feeling that I should make some effort to converse.
"A-Arabella, Arabella Bourdelle" She says, still sounding so scared.

I want to comfort her. I want to tell her not to be scared.
Shut up Jason, you're a ruthless criminal, you don't say nice things.

I don't understand why I felt so bad about her being scared.
I never feel bad.

"Oh cool, Arabella, this is Zedd, Cody, Drew and Scarlett." I say, introducing her to the rest of the gang.

Why am I being so nice?

She looks to the rest of the gang and gives them a small smile. Scarlett returns it, but the guys just stare at her.

She seems so sweet and innocent. How is she 'The Indispensable'? I wish she wasn't. Then I could be nice to her.
Why am I being like this. I don't like people. I kill people.

"What's going on?" She asks.
"I don't know what you're talking about" I lie.
"Why did they all want me? What did I do?" She asks, really confused.
I don't want to lie to her, but she can't know the truth, I'm not ready for her to hate me yet.
"Let's not talk about this" I say
"Tell me what's going on" She says

My god, she's persistent. She's kind of cute.
What? No she's not, I need to shut up..

"Shut up!" I snap, not wanting to answer.
I can't help getting angry. I'm a psychotic murderer. I'm mental. Why should I give two shits if she likes me, I'm not capable of liking her in the slightest.

Arabella's POV

Why does he get so angry? He's so mysterious. It's kind of attractive.

Part of me is slightly scared, but I can't help being attracted to him. He's flawless.
Everyone in the back of the truck is asleep, so I presume this isn't going to be a short journey.

I close my eyes and attempt to sleep. All I can hear is the gunshots from earlier, playing back in my head, knowing if I were to go back home, I would have nothing left there.
I look at Jason again and again, I want to believe he's a good person who saved me, but I can't help but doubt it.
He's taken off his hoodie, revealing his heavily tattooed arms. He's a work of art, honestly he is.
I can't stop staring, wondering what all the tattoos mean to him.
They're so beautiful, they almost act as contouring, bringing out his muscular arms.
They give him a badass look, which puts me slightly on edge, but it's incredibly attractive.

"Take a picture, it'll last longer" He mutters, causing me to blush slightly, I didn't realise I was being so obvious.
"Oh u-uh s-sorry" I say, quickly.
He smirks to himself, and I'm not sure if it was meant for me or not.

Eventually I drift off into a deep sleep...

The Indispensable | Jason McCann | Justin BieberWhere stories live. Discover now