OMAM: You have an accent.

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You have an accent.

TINO: You’re from Sweden but moved to America when you were sixteen so your accent is really strong; tino loves it though he finds it adorable.

When anyone asks where you’re from Tino buts in and says she’s from Ikea can’t you tell!

ALAN: You have an Irish accent which really gets you into trouble, why? Because Alan finds it a huge turn on.

Especially when you swear or say his name, he always wakes you up with a Top of the morning to ya!

PHIL: You have a posh British accent, Phil loves it but sometimes it’s hard to understand you.

You also have a hard time understanding him so when times are tuff you guys have a cute little thing where you write it down what you have to say and hide sticky notes  all over the house.

AARON: You have an Italian accent, Aaron finds it very sexy and when you speak Italian he explodes he loves it!

He tries to imitate you but it doesn’t work very well when all he says is pizza or ciao.

AUSTIN: You have an Australian accent which he finds funny; he loves how you can make any sentence short and snappy.

He makes you say a bunch of words just to hear your voice.

He also loves the phrases you say.

He loves when you try to beckon someone all he hears is Oi!

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