Nick gulps. Shit. He's figured it out. And Nick knows he's in deep shit. He's actually petrified of Louis right now. He's never seen him this angry, not even that one time he cost the football team a game this past season by sliding into the goal keeper on accident, letting the other team score the winning goal.

"L-Louis." He says with his hands up. "Why?!" Louis shoves him, "Why would you do that?! I understand you hate me but you broke Harry's heart by telling him a lie like that! I don't give a shit about myself, all I care about is that you hurt him you piece of shit!" He pushes him again. "I-I didn't meant to! I was just trying-" "There's nothing, nothing you can say to justify this! You're a piece of shit! You tore us apart and you gave him a panic attack today!" He grabs the collar of Nick's shirt. Nick is a trembling mess. He's never seen Louis like this before.

Louis raises his fist and is about to bring it down to Nick's face but he stops. He freezes as all he can think about is Harry. He hears the younger lad's voice in the back of his head, telling him how he wouldn't want this to happen. And Louis' right. Harry wouldn't want him to do this. Harry wouldn't want him to hurt Nick, regardless of the fact that he hurt Harry and tore them apart with his cruel lie.

Louis releases Nick and shoves him to the ground again. He towers over him, "You stay away from me and Harry. Do you understand?" Nick is just looking up at Louis still in fear and shock. "Do you understand?!" Louis yells. Nick furious nods, "Yes. Yes!" Louis gives him another menacing look before turning on his heel, leaving Nick and going to his boy.


Harry and Liam have moved the to ground of his bedroom, leaning up against the bed and eating the sandwiches Anne has made them. Well, Liam was eating. Harry was still too upset to eat. "Hazz," Liam says, "Come on, your mum is going to be upset at you and me if you don't eat." "I'm not hungry." He says sadly. He's too upset and scared to do anything but sit here and wonder what Louis is going to say to him. He's expecting him to burt in here at any moment and scream at him at the top of his voice. He wouldn't be surpassed if he did. Harry deserved it.

Liam sighs, giving up trying to get him to eat. They sit in silence for a moment until the door coming open catches Liam's attention. He looks over to see Louis coming in, his expression unreadable. He looked happy, sad, and angry all in one. Liam smiles at him and looks at Harry. He hadn't hear Louis waling in and obviously can't see him. Liam turns toward him, "Hazz I'm going to go wee okay?" "Okay." Harry says sadly and it makes Louis' heart ache.

Liam stand sup and pats Louis' shoulder who gives him a small smile. Liam leaves the room, closing the door behind him and Louis turns back to Harry. He's just sitting there, playing with his chips that are on a plate not he floor next to him. Louis just watches him with a sad smile. He knows how hurt Harry must be. He probably thinks Louis hates him after what happened. Harry sighs and stands up. Louis watched as he sits on his bed and brings his legs up to sit cross cross.

Louis steps closer to him and becomes saddened when he sees tears forming in the younger lads eyes. Louis doesn't even want to imagine what's going on in his head. He loves this boy so incredibly much. Louis sighs. He's had enough of this. He goes over to Harry and cups the sids of his face in both hands. Harry gasps loudly but is silenced when Louis presses his lips onto his in a passionate kiss. Harry doesn't yell and push Louis away like the times before. He relaxes and melts into the kiss. The both sigh in relief to have the feeling of their lips on their own again.

Louis gently pushes him into the bed and continues to kiss him while on top of him. Harry puts his hands on Louis' hips, lifting his shirt up slightly to feel his soft skin. They pull away after a moment though. "L-Louis?" Louis can't help himself and chuckles, "You ask if it's me after we kiss?" Harry smiles, wishing now more than ever he could see Louis. "Louis, I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry. If I knew it was Nick then I wouldn't never believed-" Louis silences him up by kissing him.

"Shut up." He breaths, "You don't have to be sorry." "Yes I do. I trusted a complete stranger over you." "It doesn't matter love. Yeah you did but I promise it's okay. What Nick told you was awful." Louis pulls him up into a sitting position, "You panicked and that's it. We both know the truth now and that's all that matters." "But I wouldn't even let you explain. I pushed you away and wouldn't tell anyone why." Louis kisses him again. "You need to shut up, please." The both chuckle slightly. "It's okay Harry. You were hurt and you didn't know what else to do."

Harry nods slightly. He still wants to be upset at himself but it's hard when Louis is so keen on making him happy. "What did you do to Nick?" "Nothing." Louis says quickly making Harry light up. "I was going to kick the shit out of him but all I could hear was your voice telling me not to. I knew you wouldn't have wanted me to so I didn't." Harry kisses him quickly but misses his lips. Louis giggles and help him find them. "Thank you. Thank you Louis. I didn't want you to." Louis just nods. There's a comfortable silence between the two of them as Harry raises his hands.

He puts them on Louis' forehead and brings them down, feeling the contours of Louis' face. "Beautiful." He says under his breath making Louis smile. Harry in turn smiles when he feels Louis' lips curve up. "Louis." "Yeah?" He says softly as Harry's hands grab his, "Can't you see?" "See what?" Louis says in confusion. "There comes a time when a blind man take your hand and says, can't you see? Well, can't you see Louis? Can't you see that I'm in love with you? Because I am."

Louis smiles widely. This is the first time Harry has ever said it sober and knowing Louis can hear him. And Louis absolutely loves it. "I can see Harry." He says, "I can see because I love you too." Now it's Harry's turn to smile widely. "You-You do?" "I do. I really really do. I love you." "I love you." Harry says back before the two kiss again.

"Never leave me again." Louis says in between kisses. "I won't. I won't." Harry reassures and the two hug tightly. Harry sighs, "I love you. I really do." "I love you too Harry." The two can't stop saying it now. Now that the seal has been broken they can't stop saying it to one another and they both love it.

"Come on." Louis pulls away and wipes Harry's happy tears, "Let's go get Liam." Harry just nods and lets Louis help him up. They're both so incredibly happy that things are back to normal. That was just a nightmare having to live without one another. Louis has his boy back though. And Harry has his Louis back.

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