" I like you Ella, you're very interesting, how did you even end up talking to my son if you didn't want to be chosen." She laughed again, looking at her a bit shocked I swallowed the piece of fruit I was eating.

" well I didn't talk to him, not until after we walked out of the choosing room together..."

" you mean to tell me that he didn't even tell you he would chose you? Not even  introduce him self?"

"Well he didn't need to introduce himself he is the king and -

"Have I taught that boy nothing!" She interrupts me standing as I go wide eyed. What happened to the quieter and giggly woman, she looked upset as she walked around the end of the table to me,  taking hold lightly of my arm she pulled me up, " come dear, I must know more on what else my son has done so rudely."

Getting pulled behind the small woman I followed as she kept muttering under her breath 'didn't even introduce himself... He should show more compassion to the poor girl.' Things like that. Coming to a stop I see we are what looks like a sun room, quickly placing me in a chair she moves around the small coffee table in front of me to sit in her own chair. "Now tell me how this choosing happened."

After explaining how everything happened I reminded her at the end that this was from my view point, not Jason's, I didn't want to end up causing a feud between the two.

"So how did your family take to hearing you're the chosen of the king?" She smiled innocently, looking away slightly I see out of the corner of my eye her smile drops.

"Well... Uh. I didn't get to tell them yet. To be honest the day I left I told my mother I would be back before she knows it." I speak quietly as I tuck a strand of brown hair behind my ear.  Adeline looked heartbroken.

"He didn't take you back to your family first to say good bye? Or to even introduce himself as your chosen?" Shaking my head no she look saddened.  " where did I go wrong!"

"No! Adeline it's fine really! I'm sure he will take me to them soon, he must of had a lot to do for the ceremony and I could see how it could slip his mind!" I quickly try and fix Adeline's obviously hurt feelings over how her son acted. Nodding as she listened to my words she looked up at me smiling.

" I think you will make a great queen. But before you can control your kingdom, you have to learn how to take control of some of the situations with Jason. Did he at least take you to be bonded ?"  Quickly nodding my head as and answer to her question I watch as she becomes even more brighter "at least he did something right, I guess he's just doing things his way." I didn't want to tell her how he dragged me forcing me to become bonded. Soon our conversations dropped into more small talk rather than the choosing ceremony.

" well I must go and see what the cooks have planned for supper, I will walk you to Jason's office I'm sure his meeting with elder Thomason is over by now." She smiled, standing we walked along the hallway this time turning away from the kitchen and to another direction,

Coming to a wooden door she turned to me, "this is his office, you can usually find him here, you should be fine on your own now, like I said I'm heading to the kitchen, if you need anything at all you can just ask me Ella." She smiled kindly once again at me before walking away.

Knocking on the dark wood of the door I waited for an answer or to be let in.  But nothing came. Should I knock again or will I be interrupting something. Placing my ear to the door I don't hear any one talking so I knock once again.

After a few minutes I open the door Peeping my head in to find that no one was in. Walking into his office I looked around, it was mostly all dark wood furniture with a large window behind his desk. Looking on his bookshelf I see a photo of what looks like him as a small child along with Adeline and whom I'm assuming is his father, my fingers are just about to brush the glass of the picture frame when I'm interpreted.

"Where is she?!" A loud yell echoed it's way through the castle, obviously someone is in trouble, I quietly laugh to my self not even thinking or realizing just who was yelling and who the she was they were yelling for that is until they yelled out again.

"Where is Ella!"

Eyes going wide I stand straight, what did I do this time? Was this because I came into his office?

Suddenly in a blur of anger Jason  came barreling into his office slamming the door behind him making me jump and causing his attention to be brought over to me as we both just stared at each other. 

"I need you." What? 

Well here's the new chapter you Guys! What do you think? Please vote, comment, share and follow! I'd love to hear what you guys think of the story so far! Also I'll try to update again later today! Thanks for reading you guys are awesome!

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