Chapter 13: Goodbye Earth

Start from the beginning

"Excellent, how long it will get?" I asked her.

"About just an hour" she said while I'm handing her the dress and materials. "Your so beautiful"

"Well thank you" I reply with a smile.

(Time Skip)

"Wow, it's incredible how you finished it so fast" I said taking the gown.

"Yep, and take this" she said giving me box. I opened the box and take it out, it's a white dress.

"It's pretty but why would you give this to me?" I asked her.

"That's actually a wedding dress"

"A wedding dress? But I'm not getting marry" I said nervously.

"I know take it as a gift, I want you to wear that on your wedding" she said then go near Marco and whisper something. Marco's face turn red.

"Well thank you very much for the help" I said to woman before Marco and I leave.

(Time skip)

I wore the dress and it feels so comfortable than before. I take off the devil horns and tie my hair into a ponytail, I left some hair near my ears and curl them. I look at the mirror and try to smile but it always fade because of the fact I'm leaving earth tonight. I heard the door open and Marco come in, I look at him

"You always look so amazing" he said then cover his mouth while blushing.

I just smile in reply and try not to fade it again.

"Come on, it's almost 7pm" I said.

(Time skip)

"Wow the school is decorated like a castle" as I amaze

"I think I know who can decorate like this, Stephanie" Marco said crossing his arms.

We walk towards the door. Tom opened it for us.

"Please come in Star and what's your name? Um, Marco" Tom said.

"What are you doing here? You're not even a student here" Marco ask Tom madly.

"I was invited, Stephanie invited me" Tom explain.

"Yeah right" Marco said.

"Oh look, there's Alfonso and Ferguson" I told Marco pointing at Alfonso and Ferg. I grab Marco and lead him to them.

"Hi Star, hi Marco" they both said.

"Hi guys" I reply

We had a conversation for a while then I go with Stephanie and Jackie with Tom.

Marco's PoV

"So dude, when will you tell her?" Ferguson ask.

"Well, very soon" I reply.

""That's what you said yesterday" Alfonso complain.

"That's because that's what you asked yesterday" I said.

"That 'very soon' should be tonight or tomorrow"

"Fine" I reply. "Do you guys know why Tom is here?" I asked in confusion.

"Don't tell us you don't know" Ferguson said.

"Know the what?" I ask.

"Stephanie invited him because we can bring one person" Alfonso said.

"That's what he told me earlier, I mean why would Stephanie invited him" I ask again.

"You seriously don't know?" Alfonso asked.

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