Who is this?

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Hey! When should we hang out again? Today was to much fun :)

I'm sorry, who is this?

Hahaha stop!

Stop what? I think you got the wrong number.

Who is this then?

Stranger alert. Sorry I'm not saying.

Hi I'm Shawn, not a stranger anymore.

Shawn as in Shawn Mendes ;)

You like that kid?

Of course! Don't call him a kid.

Are you gonna tell me your name now?

Nope :)

Sassy... I like it.
Seen at 10:31 PM

Don't you leave me on seen nameless.

Oh so now I'm nameless?

YOU REPLIED! And yes since you won't tell me your name, nameless.
Seen at 10:33 PM

Again with the seen....
Seen at 10:34 PM


Its me :D but no really stop I'm trying to sleep.

Okay I'll stop.
Seen at 10:36 PM

Goodnight nameless :)
Seen at 10:36 PM

Wow you won't even say goodnight back :(


Seen at 10:37 PM

A/N: HERES MY NEW BOOK!!! Hope you guys like it so far! Goodnighttttt!

- A

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