Chapter 13- Burning Desire

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Anna’s POV tried my best to keep Matt and Ben apart. It seemed that ever since the day that I walked in on them in the kitchen together that they had suddenly had a hate on for each other. I knew Matt did, but Ben had changed dramatically as well. It was like now every time they saw each other that they would become tense and slightly aggressive, not to mention it was like they were both fighting for my attention.

Wow I sound like I was just describing dogs….

Thankfully Matt had seemed to temporarily back down. We hardly touched and he didn’t even bring up the whole kissy tickling thing. It wasn’t exactly something I wanted to bring up.

In fact I really didn’t see much of Matt, and when I did he was pretty distant. He spent a lot of his time working, he worked harder than I ever remembered. The few times that I did see him he said he was working on a new album that he wanted to get out as soon as possible. Taking this as a good sign I left him to it.

I had to admit though I felt slightly put out that Matt had suddenly started to ignore me. Actually that was a lie, though I was relieved that he had backed off on some things, it was irritating the hell out of me that

I suddenly had become irrelevant to Matt’s life. At first I had thought it was because Ben had been hanging around so much, but when Ben left for a week long business trip and Matt still didn’t change, then I because pissed off.

I decided to express this to him one afternoon. Matt was out in the back yard playing with Natalie. It had been a few weeks since they had been reunited and Natalie was beginning to spend more and more time at the house, in fact, she was sleeping over tonight.

I stomped down the lawn, making my way to the small pond where Matt was currently pushing Natalie on a swing. I couldn’t help but notice how there was no trace of worry or hurt on his face, only happiness and content.

“Mathew” I said, standing a few feet away “Can I talk to you for a moment please?”

“Sure” Matt said, pushing Natalie on the swing “What’s up?”

I looked at Natalie, who was staring at me with a curious look in her big brown eyes, I didn’t want her to hear this conversation.

“Can I talk to you over there?” I asked “Pointing to the big tree several yards away”

The crease between Matt’s eyebrows appeared as he studied my face.

“Nat” He said “You’re going to have to swing yourself for a couple of minutes, I will be right back”

I turned and began walking towards the tree. For a newer property this tree was rather old, the trunk was big and wide, the leaves were large green things that cast a greenish glow down upon me as the sunlight filtered through it. It was safe to say that it was one of my favorite tree’s here. 

Turning back around I took a step back when I realised that Matt was a little closer to me then I had really expected. I leaned against the tree, letting my back press up against the bark.

“What’s up?” He asked, not looking me directly in the eyes

“Why are you ignoring me?” I demanded

Matt crossed his arms over his chest. In the weeks that I had been here his health had improved significantly. He had gained back the weight that he had lost but had gained it all back as muscle, therefor it was very hard for me to not notice how sexy his arms and chest had become. Instead I looked him directly in the eyes.

“I’m not ignoring you” He said “I’m avoiding you”

Oh yes because that is so much better, I thought to myself

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