Chapter 9- Rebbeca Quinn

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Anna’s POV

As I marched up the stairs to the house the next morning I couldn’t help but getting more and more pissed off with every step I took. How could he do this? Like seriously, its not like I fucking got on a plain and left. I had a sleepover! Okay not exactly the sleepover that everyone else would have preferred but still!

I slammed the door behind me when I got in the house. Devin came down the stairs, looking tired but already amused as he took in my disheveled look and pissed off expression.

“Where is he?” I asked, sounding a little more pissed off then necessary.

Devin smirked

“He passed out in his office” Devin said, he should have a pretty good headache by now

I dropped my purse on the floor and stormed down the hall until I got to the doorway that was Matt’s office. I took a few calming breaths that really didn’t do much and then through the door open, causing it to bang against the wall. Matt jolted upright, his hair a complete disaster and his eyes a foggy red.


Matt rubbed his temples and closed his eyes, grimacing.

“Your really one to be talking right now” He grumbled

“What the hell is that supposed to mean?” slamming the door shut again behind me as I walked in, Matt flinched

“It means that while im trying to get my life back together after the shattering of us, you decide to find someone new and rub it in my face”

“So that’s an excuse to drink?” I demanded “Honestly Mathew I didn’t expect you to be that stupid”

“Maybe I would prefer to not sit and watch my girlfriend sleep around with other men” Mathew spat

before I could stop myself I lurched forward and slapped him in the face. There was a moment where we both stood there, just staring at each other in complete shock. Soon the realisation set into Mathew’s eyes as he realised what he had said.

“I am not sleeping around” I said in a deadly calm voice “I am not your girlfriend, and there are no words to describe how much I hate you right now”

And with that I turned and walked out, taking the bottle that had been sitting on his desk with me.

“He is such an asshole!” I screamed at my laptop, Amanda’s face was on the screen, we were skyping and right now I was raging pretty hard. “Like honestly I do not even recognize him, he may look like Mathew but he is not the person that I almost married”

“To be fair” Amanda said “You guys were engaged for like… two hours”

I glared at her, so not the point right now

“To be fair” Amanda continued “The guy has been drinking like a fish for a year now, you cut him off cold turkey. That must have been brutal”

I rolled my eyes, I knew it was hard but again, not the point

“Um hello” I said “We are supposed to be talking about what an asshole he is, not why you pity him. Your supposed be on my side”

“I am” Amanda said “I’m just saying, don’t be hating on the boy because he’s got an addiction, be hating because he’s a little slut”

“He has an addiction because he is a little slut” I snapped “It’s his own fault”

“And now you have to help him get passed it” Amanda said “Anna, if you don’t it could kill him. You have to help Mathew face his sins, without you he won’t make it”

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