Two lives one world (Sequel to the Rock Star Prince)

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Mathew’s POV (One year ago)

I was gripping the window sill and starring up at the moon in the piano room. Anna’s words still filled my mind.

“Im pregnant”

“Marry me”

It had been an automatic response but it had been something I had been thinking about asking her for a long time. She was the one that I wanted to spend the rest of my life with, and now, she was the mother of my unborn child.

I couldn’t even describe the joy that I was feeling right now, sure I was a little scared but I hardly even registered that. My princess was going to become my queen, and I was going to be a dad.


I looked over my shoulder and grimaced in disapproval

“You shouldn’t be here Sarah” I said “Go back to the party”

Sarah slinked into the room. Her fake blond hair was cast out around her and she was wearing a revealing pink dress. She disgusted me, I wanted her gone.

“I just wanted to say congratulations” She said, getting closer to me “Its not every day a person gets engaged”

I gulped as she got closer to me, to close, I backed against the window sill and cursed myself for trapping myself.

“Please leave Sarah” I said “I don’t want you here”

Sarah got so close that I could feel her breath on my face, she slid a hand up my chest.

“No” She whispered

and then she kissed me

I was frozen in shock, was she actually kissing me?

There was a gasp from the doorway


Sarah pulled away from me, a triumphant grin on her face and evil burning in her eyes. I looked up and was horrified to see Anna standing there, a unreadable expression on her face.  

Annabelle” I said, taking a step towards her But she turned and fled before I could get another word out.

Sarah laughed

“I always win” She said

I sneered at her

“Your fired” I snapped “If you ever come near us again I will have you arrested myself”

There was a shriek and some loud thumping followed by gasp’s from the crowd. Then I heard Devin shouting and icy panic shot through me. Running out of the room I began to descend the stairs at a fast pace, but stopped abruptly when I saw what had caused the commotion.

Anna lay at the bottom on the stairs, one of her heels had broken off and she was lying in Devin’s arms, unconscious and bleeding.

“Anna” Devin said “Anna wake up”

Anna’s POV (Now)

I opened up my door and drug my bag in behind me. I was completely exhausted from my long day of working a double shift at the restraint. Without bothering to turn the lights on I kicked my shoes off and stumbled into the small kitchen/living room. To think that a year ago I was one of Hollywood’s most watched and that I was practically engaged to the prince of pop-rock.

I snorted, because that had gone so well for me.

I opened up the fridge and located the already open bottle of wine that I had in the door. Not bothering to grab a glass I grabbed an open bag of chips off of the counter and turned to turn the TV on to continue my Vampire Diaries marathon from the night before.

Two lives one world (Sequel to the Rock Star Prince)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant