Chapter 4-Meeting someone new

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Anna’s POV

After I forced a bowl of cereal, two pieces of toast and some orange juice into him, I made Matt go lay out on the back patio on one of the reclining chaires.

“Why exactly do I have to be out here?” He asked grimly, shielding his eyes from the sunlight as I pushed him into the chair.

“You have been locked in your room for who knows how long” She said “You need some fresh air and sunshine”

To say that he still looked like shit was an understatement. His skin was a sickly pale and his cheeks were sunken in. His hair was still too long and I made a mental note to cut it immediately. Even if it would take time to pull him out of his drunken slump I at least had to make him look better for his family’s sake.

I would have to go to the pharmacy and get some vitamins, because let’s face it; the guy was deprived of pretty much everything.

“I need to go to the store” I said “If you leave this chair I swear to god Mathew I will drown you in the pool myself”

“I think I would welcome that with open arms” Matt said, smiling grimly at me. I rolled my eyes and walked away, hoping that he would stay in the chair. I had pasted him up with sun screen so hopefully he wouldn’t burn. Oh god I was sounding like a mother right now, how terrible was that?

In the kitchen my mom was cutting up some vegetables, I smiled at her.

Mom I need to go out and get some things” I said “Please don’t let him do anything stupid”

“I will try” She said “But that young man has a lot of demons my dear. He’s been on the booze hard core for a while now, I don’t know what he is really capable of anymore”

I grimaced, that was a scary thought.

“When I get back I’m cleaning his room out of anything bad” I said “I don’t care if he doesn’t like it, he’s doing it”

My mom smirked

“Yes ma’am” She said, saluting me

I laughed and grabbed my car keys

At the pharmacy I loaded up on all the vitamins the pharmacist offered me. It cost me a lot but I had taken Matt’s bank card and thankfully he hadn’t changed his pin number. Smirking to myself I watched the girl at the checkout counter ring up my purchases. If I really wanted I could go shopping and make a pretty big dent in his bank account, he wouldn’t even know about it. But that wasn’t what I was here for, I had a mission. Fix Matt, and get the hell out of here before I could let him hurt me again.

“Have a nice day” The girl said with a smile as she handed me my bag of stuff

“You to” I replied, already turning around. I didn’t notice there was someone behind me and ran straight into their chest. I dropped my bag, causing all of my stuff to fall out of the bag and roll all over the floor.

“Oh damn I am so sorry” A deep husky voice said

“Its alright” I replied smoothly, kneeling down the same time the stranger did to pick up my things

I looked up and was startled to stare into the brightest pair of blue eyes that I had ever seen. My hand froze on the pill bottle that I had been meaning to pick up.

“Um, hi?” The guy said “I’m Ben”

“Anna” I said, returning my attention back to the mess on the ground.

Ben and I picked up all of the bottles and put them back in my bag

“Health nut?” Ben asked, as he helped me up to my feet

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