Chapter 11-Questions with no Answers

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Anna’s POV

“What are you doing here?” When I released Ben from the chock hold I had around his neck when I jumped into his arms.

Ben smiled down at me

“I hadn’t heard from you for a few days” He said “I wanted to make sure you were alright”

I felt myself blush at his concern for me, it was true that I had been neglecting him the past couple of days, I felt bad about it.

“Im sorry” I said “I have just been really busy”

“That’s alright” Ben said “I understand”

Someone cleared there throat behind us and I groaned internally. Turning around I saw Matt leaning against the banister, starring at us with a composed expression.

“Anna, love” He said “Aren’t you going to introduce us?”

It was then that I realised almost all of my family was surrounding us. Matt’s mom kept looking between

Ben and Matt, a worried look in her eyes; his dad was staring at us with no expression. My mom was biting her lip just like I did, looking nervous, and Devin just had an amused smirk on his lips.

“Uh…” I said “Ben…this is Mathew…..Matt, this is Ben”

“Nice to meet you Matt” Ben said, extending his hand “I have heard quit a bit about you”

Matt shrugged off of the banister and took a couple of steps until he was standing just a foot away from Ben, just inches from me. He reached out and took Ben’s hand.

“Nice to meet you Ben” Matt said, his voice a deadly calm. A dangerous smile on his lips “I wish I could say the same about you, but Anna doesn’t exactly like sharing”

“Yes well, she seems to share just fine with me” Ben said, his own voice becoming slightly steely

Matt’s eyes flashed dangerously and he released Ben’s hand, turning his burning gaze on me

“I’m going to go check on Natalie” he said before turning and walking out of the room, leaving an unbearable awkward silence behind him.

We all stood in the middle of the room for a moment, I didn’t know what to say. I don’t think anyone did, well accept Devin.

“Well” He said “That was fun”

To my surprise Quinn reached out and smacked him in the back of his head, causing us all to laugh and break the tension.

To say that that day was awkward was an understatement. I don’t know how but I managed to keep my composure throughout the whole day and remain calm. It wasn’t an easy task though, Mathew was instantly on edge since the second that Ben walked in the house and his mood was not improving in the least bit.

As for Ben, he seemed be enjoying the fact that he not only get to meet my family, but I think he also enjoyed being able to rub it in Matt’s face that he had me. Whenever Matt was close Ben would wrap his arm around my waist or kiss me or do something that would cause Matt’s expression to turn stormy and his knuckles turn white.

I felt a little bad about this, but because of the kiss we had shared that morning I was trying extremely hard to push any feelings for Mathew Thompson deep, deep down. Too bad he didn’t seem to want to make that easy for me. 

I was in the dinning room, everyone else was in the front living room visiting. Natalie had wanted to come and help me set things up but my mom surprised her with a little present that was momentarily entertaining her. So I was free to my own demise, I was momentarily free of my family and my two quarrelling boys.

Two lives one world (Sequel to the Rock Star Prince)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora