Chapter 5- Remembering

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Okay guys so I thought I would do a little bit of a flash back into Matt’s world, kind of like I did in the beginning. I might do a few of these throughout the story so just keep an eye out for them. Some might be from Anna and Devin; I may even throw one in from Natalie because she played such a major role in Matt’s life. Hope you enjoy so far. Please Comment and vote, I would love to have some feed back.

Matt’s POV (Almost a year ago)

I watched the rain pour outside my window. It was funny, the weather seemed to be reflecting my mood perfectly right now. I watched the lightning flash right before the thunder crashed down, causing the windows to shudder slightly. With the crash of thunder I suddenly felt the rage that had slowly been building inside of me for the past couple of days. With an outraged yell I turned and picked up the lamp on the table beside my bed, throwing it against the wall on the other side of the room.

When the porcelain and the light bulb hit the wall it exploded from the force.

I fell to my knee’s, clutching my hair in my hands. How could I possibly do this? Anna thought I had cheated on her, she lost the baby, my baby. Now she was gone, as in I had no idea where she was. Even Heather didn’t know where she was. How could I be so stupid!

Sarah was gone, I should have strangled her. But Devin held me back before I could cause a law suit.

My babies were gone.  How could I possibly live with myself?

I reached over and picked up the glass on my bed side table. I took a sip and cringed.

“Ugh” I grunted “Scotch”

But I took another sip, and another, and another, until the whole glass was gone. It tasted like hell, I still felt like hell. But a little part of me felt just a tiny bit better.

Matt’s POV (Present day)

I woke up with a jolt. The sun was shining in down on my face. I was so tired last night that I must have forgotten to shut the blinds. Lying in bed I waited for the undeniable headache and pain to come from the combination of a hangover and heartache. But only the heartache came, no hangover. At first I couldn’t remember why I felt so good this morning, and then it hit me.

Anna was here. She had taken all of my addictive substances away.

Anna was here!

Some of the weight on my chest was lifted at the thought of this. My darling Anna was back here in my house, right now she was probably upstairs in her room, still sound asleep.

But some of the joy I felt was washed away when I remembered why she was here.

Devin had brought her back here, because of what I had become, he had brought her back here to save me. Only she didn’t come to save me because she cared, she came because she loved everyone else who had to live with me.

I didn’t care, my beloved Anna was here, and one way or another I would make her see the truth, and just pray to god she would believe me.

Even though it didn’t go over so well last night, a bitter thought in the back of my mind said. I pushed it aside, today was a new day, I had things to prove.

Getting out of bed I put on a fresh pair of jeans and a clean plaid shirt. I ran a brush through my hair, hoping that Anna would come through on what she said about that haircut, I could barely see.

Going down the stairs I heard voices coming from the kitchen. When I walked in Anna and Devin were standing at the counter, drinking coffee and talking.

When they heard me come in Devin’s laughing eyes turned hard.

“Morning” I said, feeling uneasy

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