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Five years.
Five years since that day.
Five years since the kidnapping of the first girl.
Five years since the kidnapping of the second girl.
Five years since the two women met in the horrible blue room that still haunts their dreams.
Five years since torture was brought upon the two young women.
Five years since they felt true, horrifying pain.
Five years since the death of a loving family.
Five years since they almost died.
Five years since they last felt real fear.
Five years since the not one, but three traumatizing rapes.
Five years since the six month coma.

Five years since the feeling of love.
Five years since the feeling of happiness.
Five years since the betrayal.

Five years since the birth of two amazing children.
Five years since they were almost murdered once more.
Five years since the four kidnappers went to prison.
Five years since that day.

Five years.

It took five years of therapy, medication, and PTSD to finally get better. For both of the women, life couldn't be better now. Rose and Naomi each had a job. Naomi's two kids were healthy and happy, oblivious of the pain and torture their mother went through before they were born. Nolan Ryder White and Daniella Marie White. That are the twin's names. They were just about to turn five years old, not old enough to realize who their father was and where he was at. The sentence for the four males were long, but not as long as the two women wanted it to be. Only 25 more years until they can be released with parole. At least, that was what everyone thought. No one could predict what the males were gonna do.

A/N: Hey everyone, I'm back and better than ever. Today is my birthday as well as Calum Hood's. I am pleased to announce that I am officially back for another book in the Kidnapping series. This book will be updated every Saturday, late at night, hopefully. I hope you like the new book. I hope you guys have a great day/night, I love you guys. BYEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!

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