"Hey sorry but come on Pea you know I can't punish my babies they look so innocent and I love them too much she said poking her lips out childish ass"

"Whatever but if they break something else up in here you replacing it because they know what outside is yall go to y'all room and clean up"

I had already had their clothes placed out on my bed raising them wasn't hard not at all well maybe a little hell who am I fooling, when they were newborns I almost walked out leaving a sticky note on them OK let me quit playing but I did almost lose my mind but received some help from Lesha Uncle Jason and his girlfriend sometimes was grateful and I appreciated that.. sometimes I wonder what would it be like if Kingston(Trigga) was around he probably enjoying fatherhood with Diamond I wonder how he doing shit I wonder how my mom and them doing .

I haven't spoken to my mom nor sister since after the day of the triplets birth they just called to say congratulations and they'll speak to me later I was hurt I didn't even get to tell them it was three instead of one well they have been calling I just ignored their calls I be wanting to pick up but my pride got me colder than some Haagen Dazs I'm pretty sure MommaJ told my mom about the triplets any other person would've text but my mom hate texting

"Umm HELLO earth to Tonesha I been standing here calling your name for ten minutes now what you thinking about boo and have you made a Instagram yet" Lesha asked sitting at my vanity

"No but I have been thinking we're going to the Bronx today I'm going to go visit mom 'em plus I want to see Jocelyn so go pack a week worth of clothes "

"Its about time you put that pride to the side I thought I was going have to pack up the triplets and make arrangements while you was at work ain't God good he always answer when you need him"Lesha said yelling the last part clapping

Really Lalesha so you really would have pulled something like that you are something else I can't believe you I said pulling out my Gucci bag

"Hell yeah I got tired of you ignoring your mother calls and shit at least your mother call to check up on you my parents still haven't returned my calls yet Momma Sheena call everyday asking about them and you

"So she know its three of them huh"

"Yerp your uncle gave her the video tape she had me on the phone for hours whining and complaining about how she wasn't there for you and that she could never forgive herself because she missed her grand babies birth or whatever"

"Oh" that's all I could say I mean I been forgave them I just don't feel like talking I rather wait to see them face to face

"He tried that they whack as hell B" Lesha said looking scrolling on her phone she must be on Instagram

"Girl what"

You sure you want to see this Pecan

Grrllll just show me I said as she turned her phone around to show me a picture Tony uploaded of Kingston and some chick with matching shoes

ShootaGotThe40🔫_ 👫Bruh & his girl styling on them #KING&QUEEN ish @1&onlyAliciaCrownMe👑

"I should comment but nah just let me upload a picture of you Pecan have you pop up on they timeline like (The Bitxh Is Back)...Lesha said

"No Lalesha I'm cool on that they a cute couple so chill stop being petty"

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